N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-6 of 6 results.
Strikes - Greensboro
- Strikes. Greensboro.
- Reduction in pay leads to strike in Blue Bell Overall factory. F.23-32:IB.
- Wood workers strike and will form union. May 3-35: 5.
- Mill workers strike. Sept.22-36: 5.
Strikes - Greensboro
- Escort workers past picket line. Ag.ll-i 37:2.
- Violence blamed on mill pickets. Ag.12-37:16.
- Employer offers to aid strikers. Ag.15-
- 374
- Strike is begun at Garter plant. S.2-37;
Strikes - Greensboro
- Wage cut draws protest strike In Proximity plant. Jl.12-38:10.
- Pour Cone mills closed by strikes. Jl. 13-38:13. 38:3.
- Cone mill strike still unsettled. J1.14-
- Cone factories reopen Monday. Jl.16-38:1
Strikes - Greensboro
- 3.
- Strike ties up huge Gone mill. Mar.6-41
- Both sides firm in Gone walkout, ar.7-41:15.
- General strike nay come in big Gone mills today, ar.10-41:1:.
- Strikers fail in attempt to close third Cone mill. Mar.12-41:9. 41:2.
- Two Cone mills to reopen today. Mar.13-
Strikes - Greensboro
- 44:2. Workers ct Proximity mills strike. Ms.r.1 Workers strike in Greensboro's Proximity
- plant. D.20-44:2. 44:11.
- Deadlock evident in textile strike. D.21 Strikers ready to resume work. D.31-44:
- 13. 8.
- Workers resume mill operations. Jan.2-45 2,000 workers White Oak cotton mills
- strike. S.26-45:2.
- Greensboro strikers open union movement.
- S.27-45:12.
Strikes - Greensboro
- White Oak mill again operating. 0.2-45;2
- Mack, Judson, Vochringer strike ends. Feb. 17-14-7: 10.
- Workers call strike at Greensboro plant. Feb. 25-47: 5.
- Union reject offer of Cone! strike date
- set for Nov. 6. Nov. 4-4-7! 2.
- Hosiery workers state walkout in
- Mock, Judson. Voehringer, Inc. mill. Dec'18-46: 2.