N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-8 of 8 results.
- Two Tar Heels take lead in promoting television. Jan. k-: f.
- Carole Coleman of Charlotte stars in television. Dec 26-g: 2-IV.
- TV expansion for Carolina discussed. Feb. 1-51: 21.
- FCC proposes 51 television channels in State, ar. 23-51: 32.
- Educational TV studied "by UHC. Jly. 15-52: 20.
- TJHC experiments with educational TV. Oct. 8-52: 6.
- Educational TV is praised. Kar. 14-53: 2.
- UNC TV station approved. May 12-53= 1.
- Raleigh TV delayed again. Hay 16-53: 1.
- How TV sees N. C.'s fight over the ERA - Ap 18 82 1E
- Ingram blasts TV station's failure to air documentary (on insurance industry) - Ap 19 82 1C
- A Tar Heel reports on Hollywood (Hendren) - My 30 82 1E
- Cable network will broadcast state travel film - Au 19 82 22A
- Show on Soviet spy threat to feature Helms, East - Au 28 82 11A
- TV's well-defined future; High-definition television... - Ja 31 88 1E
- Editorial: Potatoes: alone on the couch - Ap 8 88 14A