N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-7 of 7 results.
Winston, Francis Donnell
- Congratulates Tyrrell on opening of new bridge. 3.11-27:6 0.
- Farewell to cotton. Ap.29-30:10.
- Confusion. D.27-31:5.
Winston, Francis Donnell
- Says assembly will play safe, p.5, Dec.4, 1926.
- Urged for speakership. D.30-26:4.
- Not a candidate for speakership. D.31-26:3.
- Winston asserts he Is unpopular. F.15-27:4.
- Says farmers demand relief. F.28-27:8.
- Pleased by accomplishments. Mar.13-27: 8, sec. 4.
- Praises the Lejislature. Ap.5-27:3.
Winston, Francis Donnell
- Winston, Frances D
- One-time slave writes Winstons. Je.25-29:3.
- Says America is world's leader in radio speech. F. 7-32:8 X.
- Honored "by bar on birthday. 0.5-33:3.
- In choir for S7 years. 0.9-33:2.
- Constitution. Mar.12-35:1.
- Judge Winston chief alumnus. Je.9-35:1 U
- Half-century. Je.5-37:1.
Winston, Francis Donnell
- Bar in Bertie honors Winston on birthday
- 0.5-37:6
- Reache s Slst anniversary. 0.2- 38:3.
- Dies e t Windsor. Jan.29-41:1
- Honored by Legislature. Jan.30-41:1;ed.
- P.4. Funera 1. Jan.50-41:8.
- Bertie bar honors Winston and Gillam.
- F 12-42: 10.