N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 1-9 of 9 results.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
- 44:9.
- Mrs. J.B.Martin heads local WCTU. 0.27-
- Officlal bd.goes on record as opposing easy divorce. F.1-45:6.
- Officers reelected. May 5-45:3.
- Miss Lily E.Mitchell s-oesks at meeting. Je.1-45:6.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
- Dislike merchants displaying flasks. p.7, sect.3, Dec.19, 1926.
- To put on big pageant at national meeting. Ag.23-27:9.
- Meets in Raleigh this week. 0.9-27:5 0,
- Begin meeting today. 0.12-27:8.
- Leaders say Smith would wreck his narty. 0.13-27:1.
- N.C. '"'.C.T.U. meets in High Point. 0. 26-28:2.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
- Meets in Asheville. 0.17-29:3.
- Meets in Charlotte. 0.17-30:2.
- Meets in Concord. 0.23-31:12.
- Opens meeting in Greensboro. 0.27-32:10,
- resident says W.C.T.U. is disfranchised. 0.28-32:10. Will meet today in Albemarle. 0.22-36:8. Elect officers of state W.C.T.U. 0.17-
- 37:2.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
- Launches state meeting in Goldsboro. 0. 23-38:5.
- Starts annual session in Washington. 0. 27-39:11.
- Sends a_uestlonnaire to all candidates for legislature as to attitude on sale of legalized whiskey. Ap.26-40:11.
- Appeals to Gov. Hoey for closing of ABC stores. Je.27-40:1.
- Closes states gathering. 0.17-40:5.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
- Charts statewide drive. April 6-38:15, Mrs. Doak appointed to W.C.T.U. position. Nov.14-40:10.
- Seeking ban on liquor. Feb.1-41:12. Hold district meeting here. Ap.24-41:5.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
- 41:6, Mrs. Wohl urges prohibition plan. 0.17-Waxhaw woman heads W.C.T.U. 0.19-41:10 3 Meets in Raleigh: asks governor to close
- all ABC stores. Jan.10-42:2. 42:2. Asks Governor to shut ABC stores. Jan.12 To conduct poll of candidates. F.15-42:2 Drys plan cuiz on liquor issue. F.17-42
- 5.
- Unit holds Goldsboro meet. Ap. 17-42:6.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
- WCTU official replies to statements by-Sims. May 24-42:?.
- Commends candidate Flowers. May 30-42:6.
- Youth night staged at Charlotte convention. 0.14-42:2.
- Will seek ban on alcohol. 0.15-42:2.
- Planning center for Butner soldiers. Ap. 7-43:12.
- Area WCTU elects officers. Ap.10-43:5.
Woman's Christian Temperance Union
- Mrs. Wohl raps liquor system in speech at opening of 63rd annual convention in Hickory. 0.27-43:5.
- Rev. fceon Couch is hesrd. 0.11-44:8.