N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 91-100 of 156 results.
Daniels, Josephus
- Outlines qualities needed for highest
- post.
- p. 1, Liar. 22, 1927
- Declares nation weak in its navy. Mar. 25-2?!1.
- Democracy and a free Drees. Ap.8-?7:4.
- Denies he if for Smith. Ap. 12-27:7.
- St>eake at e? Moines at memorial exer-ciee for Edwin T. Meredith. Mar.?5-?9:4.
Daniels, Josephus
- Daniels urges outlawing war at address at American University. Je.5-28:2.
- Daniels calls upon South to support Smith. Jl.2-28:1.
- Gives sketch of Houston party gathering. Jl.12-28:7.
- Says Smith's religion "minor matter". Jl.28-28:2.
- Tells youth at Patterson school to have fixed plan. Ag.12-28:3 M
Daniels, Josephus
- Brands editor as bolshevistic, p.1.,Jan.19, 1927.
- Daniels believes South will support Smith. Ag.15-28:1.
- Daniels declares South safe. Ag.17-28: 8.
- Daniels believes Smith speech to win ap$ probation. Ag.18-28:1.
- Daniels bound by party action. Ag.25-28:8.
- Critizes lack of co-operation in srove-m ment. Ag.26-28:8&Overn_
Daniels, Josephus
- Replies to Dr. Stratton. Ag.29-28:2. Announce itinerary of Josephus Daniels. Se.13-28:18.
- Why I can't vote for Hoover(ed.) 0.19-28:4.
- Josechus Daniels a dry among drys. 0. 20-28:4.
- Urges voters to defeat tax amendment. 0.29-28:1.
Daniels, Josephus
- L
- Reiterates view that Raslcob should ouit, Ap.-30:1.
- Praisesworld league in epeech at Dallas, Tex. May 25-30:4.
- Daniels reveals facts on secret naval document. Je.?9-30:1.
- Urges return of democracy in speech at Kinston. 0.18-30:8.
- Schedule for camuaign speaking. 0.?l-3( 5.
Daniels, Josephus
- Large audidence greets Daniels at Henderson. N.1-30:8.
- Makes closing speech at Winston-Salem. N.4-30:3.
- SpeakP at Staunton on Woodrow Wilson's birthday- D.?0-?~:r.
- Sees Daniels ae rarty's nominee for governor. Mar.31-31:2,
- Washington friends send Mr. Daniels a
- birthday cake. May 20-31:1.
Daniels, Josephus
- Friends in Craven county petition Daniels to be candidate for governor. Jan. 10-32:4.
- Hurt in automobile accident in Atlanta. Jan.15-32:1.
- Daniels for governor by J.R. Barbour. Jan.15-32:4.
- Bertie county farmers ask Daniels to be candidate. Jan.21-32:3.
- To give reply as to his candidacy wn return to Raleigh Jan.23-32:2.
Daniels, Josephus
- Columbus county friends urge Daniels to be candidate for gov. Jan.24-32:5.
- Pound of cure now being paid. Jan.27-32:3.
- Returns home from hospital. Jan.28-32:!
- Daniels for 3ov. by D.M.McKenzie. Jan. 28-32:4.
- Daniels on Roosevelt. Jan.29-32:4.
- Farmers of Craven petition Daniels. F. 6-32:8.
Daniels, Josephus
- Disappointed by L.S. Webb Mar.10-32:4,
- Farmers waking up to their public respoi sibilities. May 13-32:4.
- Has no time to look backward on his seventieth birthday. May 18-32:1.
- Daniels will not oppose plank for resubmission. Je.25-32:1.
- Favors abolition of hoary nominating
- rule. Je.26-32:1.
- Scores ban upon naval weddings. Se.12-
- 32:8.
Daniels, Josephus
- Crowd of 1,000 hear Daniels in Greensboro. 0.28-32:10.
- People stirred more than at any time since 1912. N.8-32:1.
- Sends message to Forsyth democrats. N. 8-32:5.
- Chosen as ambassador to Mexico. Mar.14-
- 33:1.
- Plenty of work for Daniels in Mexico.
- Mar.15-33:1.