N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 91-100 of 268 results.
Wake County
- Wake County.
- Wake Assemblemen shape plans on liquor, taxes, pay refunds. Jan.17-37:12. Wake officials favor tax plan. Jan.19-
- 37:5.
- Ouch! (ed.) Jan.20-37:4.
- Tax department to be discussed. Jan.25-3712. f
- Taxoffice will be studied. F.2-37:3.
- Act orovides tax office for Wake;ask pay raise. F.16-37:7.
Wake County
- Tax officx given aporoval by Committee. F.19-37:3.
- May delay liquor vote until summer in Wake. F.21-37:12.
- Nev; orofit bill drawn for Wake. Mar.23-i 37:12.
- Wake County is affected by important new laws. Mar.23-37:1 0.
- Basic valuation boost aooroved by Wake bd. Ap.2-37:24.
Wake County
- Lockhart is reelected. Ap.6-37:8.
- Tax listers, aporaisers, named for Wake County. Ap.11-37:12. 1.
- Vote on liquor ordered in Wake. May 5-3/ May 7-37:1.
- Local contrast (ed.) May 8-37:4.
- Would spread school debt evenly over Wake County. May 19-37:10.
- Education toard aoproves Wake's teachers Je.1-27:2.
Wake County
- Wake County.
- Wake County tax office to be set up next week. Je.3-37:11.
- Wake tax office set ud by board. Je.S-37:12.
- J.Leonard James elected county's tax collector. Je.9-37:18.
- Wake bd. approves teachers contracts. Je.9-37:18.
- School fund diversion revealed in Wake audit. Je.18-37:1.
Wake County
- 1.
- Wake officials answer charges.oJe.19-37: Ed. p.4.
- Bo. raises salary of new tax collector. Je.22-37:5.
- County's relief budget approved. Je.22-37:10.
- Wake County's voters approve liquor stores by majority of 1,300. Je.23-37:1. Ed. p. 4.
- Plan opening ABC stores within 3 weeks. Je.24-37:7.
Wake County
- County affairs secret, but pay boost leaks. Je.30-37:1. Ed. Jl.1-37:4.
- Wake board deadlocked in naming ABC chairman. Je.30-37:3. 14.
- Board chairman explains stand. Jl.1-37:
- Elect H.E.Litchford as Wake ABC chairman. Jl.3-37:12.
- Wake begins fiscal year with changes in set-up; Wake's school opening is set. Jl. 6-37:14.
Wake County
- Sheriff reports. Jl.6-37:14.
- County tax collector employs five assistants. Jl.7-37:14.
- They111 boss Wake liquor stores. J1.8-37:16.
- Select location for liquor store. J1.10-37:12.
- Wake ABC Bd names officer. Jl.15-37:3.
- Buyer.; County faced tax boost. J1.21-37:1.
Wake County
- Staff appointed for ABC stores. J1.21-37:16.
- Wake pay raises denied. Jl.22-37:1.
- To get full time ruraloollce service. Jl.23-37:1.
- Increases denied in Wake salaries. Jl. 24-37:1.
- Anti-saloon cards hang in Wake's liquor stores. Ag.3-37:16.
Wake County
- Open ABC store, receipts $1,881. Ag.5-37:1.
- Wake official sees way tp avoid tax rate boost. Ag.6-37:1.
- Negroes throng to buy cheap liquor. Ag. 8-37:12.
- Sheriff Turner plans new unit. Ag.10-37:8.
- Wendell store opens for sale of booze. Ag.15-37:8 X.
Wake County
- Wake County.
- 16.
- Receiver named for court funds. Ag.l7-3'i
- Wake ABC Bd rejects petition. Ag.18-37: 14.
- Matter of Judgment (ed.) Ag.20-37:4.
- Open two rum stores this morning in city Ag.21-37:IS. 9 X.
- New ABC stores increase sales. Ag.22-37:
- "Harrican section" Wake County as given by Will Wynne. 3.18-37:12.