N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 131-140 of 395 results.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- William H.Simpson, Raleigh, decorated. Je.21-44:2.
- 1st Lt. David Willis, Rocky Mount awards ed DFC; Hilton Harris, Plymouth gets Silver Star, J.Y.Huffstickler, Shelby, awarded Soldier Medal. Je.21-44:5.
- Bronze Star awarded to Col.Joe Ryneska, Raleigh. Je.21-44:8. 22-44:3.
- Three N.C. airmen given decorations. Je.
- Purple Heart goes to Edward H.Sessoms, Cary. Ja. 22-44:.UL
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Lt. Loring H.Bates, Raleigh, decorated. Je.23-44:2.
- Purple Heart given to Jasper S.Brown, Robersonville. Je.24-44:3.
- Chris Hudgins, Enfield, receives Purple heart. Je.24-44:5.
- Sgt. Ben L.Allen, Raleigh, receives two more medals. Je.24-44:10.
- Fleming A.Mull, Morganton, receives Purple Heart. Je. 28-44:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Goldsboro filer, Capt. F.J.Sheffington, gets DFC; Cant. M.O.Phillips, Coats, gets Purple Heart". Je.27-44:5.
- 2nd Lt. H.S.Hllley, Jr., Wilson, decorated. Je.27-44:5.
- Engisn John E.Rowan, Macon, decorated; Cpl Roger Hill, Mount live, gets Purple Heart; Air Medal awarded 2nd.Lt. James" Ste' wart, Raleigh. Je. 28-44:3.
- 1st Lt. Laddie W.Taylor, Rocky Mount and 1st Lt. Robert RJtfaddell, Greensboro, decorated. Je.29-fc 44:2.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Sgt. Jay W.Newbold, Hertford, given decoration. Je.29-44:3.
- Hallsboro flier, Lt. Virgil G.Ray, given decoration. Je.29-44:3.
- Sgt. Daniel B.Stephens, Erwin, receives Purple Heart. Je.29-44:5.
- Cpl. James L.Hardison, Pinetown, Route 1 cited by British as hero. Je.29-44:5.
- Capt. Charles A.Francis, Bethel, awarded Silver Star. Je.30-44:11.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Capt. J.H.Darden, Farmville, wins DPC. Je.30-44:14.
- Lt. Robert Page Ross, Lillington, gets Air Medal. Je. 30-44:16'.
- Edxard Breeden, Erwin, wins Punole Heart Flight officer Norden B.Schloss, Roxboro, wins
- Air Medal; 1st Lt. John W.Westray, Spring Hope decorated; S-Sgt. Robert W.Moody, , Waynesville, awarded Silver Star. Jl.1-44:
- Lon M.Piner, Morehead, awarded Purple
- Heart. Jl.2-44: A 7 X.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Aberdeen airman, Lt. W.G.Smith, Jr. wins DFC. Jl.2-44:10 X.
- Oak Leaf cluster given Dunn airman, S-Sgt. James R.0'3rlen; T/Sgt. Haven J.Davis Whittier, decorated. Jl.2-44:12 X. __ Lt. Thomas E.Sexton, Enfield, wins DFC. Jl
- 3-44:10.
- Sgt. George Bryon Rose, Newton Gr0ve, a-warded Silver Star. J1.4-44:2.
- Rocky Mount soldier, S-Sgt, William I. Moore, given Purple Heart. Jl.4-44:7.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- S-Sgt. James L.Graham, Pinehurst, gets additional cluster. Jl.4-44:7.
- T-Sgt. Walter E.Barker, Varina, decorated. Jl.4-44:12.
- Cpl. Marvin L.Moore, Scotland Neck, receives the Purple Heart. Jl.5-44:2.
- Comdr. Vernon L.Lowrance, Catawba, gets Gold Star medal. Jl.5-44:2.
- Raleigh man, Sgt. Charles B.Melnyk, gets Oak Leaf cluster. Jl.5-44:5.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Zebulon man, Capt. Allen H.Green, wins Oak Leaf cluster; Lt. Paul McCain, Sanito-rium, wins Air Medal. Jl.6-44:5.
- Henry Albert Clemens, Jr., Raleigh, receives unit citation of the USS Enterprise Jl.6-44:7.
- Air Medal awarded to Sgt. William R.Dean jr. Raleigh. Jl.6-44:14.
- Aid Medal given Capt. William A.McCor-mick, McDonald. Jl.7-44:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Purple Heart received by Vance Henry of Hamlet. Jl.7-44:11.
- Purple Heart received by Jessie R.Standi, Raleigh. Jl.7-44:16.
- Air Medal awarded to Sgt. Wallace R.Moor' Roxboro gunner. Jl.8-44:8.
- Pvt. Thomas Nixon Hollowell, Hertford, route 1, receives decoration. Jl.9-44:3.
- T/Sgt. William A.Neal, New Bern, awarded Cluster. Jl.9-44:7.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Raleigh pilot, S-Sgt. William E.Bussells receives DFC; S-Sgt. George D.Wetherington New Bern, Route 4, awarded Air Medal; Clif ford R.Frederick, Rocky Mount, awarded Purple Heart. Jl.9-44:14 X.
- Col. Waine Archer, Kenansville, gets Legion of merit; John C.Sutton, LaGrange, Route 3, wins Purple Heart. Jl.10-44:3.
- Edxirard Morris Deaver, Deep Run, awarded Biple Heart. Jl. 11-44:3.