N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 141-150 of 158 results.
Capital punishment
  • Judge refuses bar on death penalty bid. N&O, Jan-11-79, 20:1
  • High court hears death penalty appeals. N&O, Apr-12-79, 28:4
  • New execution method sought. N&O, Apr-13-79, 22:1
  • Death Row: waiting game of high stakes. Pictures. N&O, Apr-17-79, 1:1
  • Under new law, fewer people line Death Row. N&O, Apr-17-79, 6:1
Capital punishment
  • Dad waits word on son's fate. Picture. N&O, May-21-79, 1:7
  • Condemned Fla. inmate gets last-minute reprieve. Pictures. N&O, May-23-79, 1:1
  • Florida officials fight to renew death warrant. N&O, May-24-79, 1:1
  • 7 N.C. men get death sentences. N&O, May-24-79, 39:5
Capital punishment
  • Spenkelink's hope dies with 3-judge panel. N&O, May-25-79, 1:1
  • N.C. residents express outrage following execution in Florida. N&O, May-26-79, 5-A:1
  • With 500 on death row, more executions likely. N&O, May-?.7-79, I 19:1
  • Death sentence reviews ordered. N&O, Sept-5-79, 1:1
Capital punishment
  • Edmisten urges quick execution. Picture. N&O, Sept-779, 3?:1
  • Tar Heel Editors Speak: Old blood and guts. N&O, Oct-7-79, IV-5:1
  • End death penalty, inmates ask. N&O, Oct-23-79, 7:2
  • People's Forum: Just deserts. N&O, Oct-27-79, 4:2
Capital punishment
  • People's Forum: A heartless penalty. N&O, Nov-2-79, 4:2
  • High court backs N.C.'s death law. N&O, Nov-4-79, 1:1
  • This newspaper's opinion: Legal, but still not moral. N&O, Nov-9-79, 4:1
  • Court backs death penalty system. Pictures. N&O, Nov-11-79, I 22:1
  • People's Forum: Not shocking. N&O, Nov-12-79, 4:1
Capital punishment
  • Girl's killer must die, jury orders. N&O, Dec-12-79, 33:3
  • Court called reluctant on death penalty. N&O, Dec-13-79, 55:3
Capital Punishment
  • Capital punishment (change to lethal injection; bill) - Ap 7 83 12A
  • Editorial: No 'humane' execution - Ap 10 83 4D
  • N. C. Death Row list swells by 10 in year - Ap 10 83 31A
  • Tranquil killer (lethal injection) sparks turbulent reaction - Ap 20 83 1
  • Hunt has no opinion on lethal injection bill - Ap 21 83 22A
  • Cost question slows lethal injection bill - Ap 22 83 5D
  • Editorial: Death at bargain rate - Ap 25 83 4A
  • Gas chamber leaks, tests show; prison orders redesigned door - Ap 26 83 1
  • Senate quickly kills bill to abolish death penalty - Ap 29 83 1
  • N. C. Medical Society votes to oppose death by injection - My 8 83 27A
  • Panel OKs choice of gas, injection for execution - My 13 83 16D
  • Death penalty (bill to speed up process) - My 18 83 12C
  • Questions about choice hold up execution bill - My 20 83 4D
  • Lethal injection option endorsed for inmates sentenced to death - My 27 83 1C
  • Senate backs option on execution method - My 31 83 1
  • Editorial: Death penalty dice loaded - Jn 2 83 4A
  • Senate delays death-choice bill for a day - Jn 2 83 16A
  • Senate passes bill on execution choice - Jn 4 83 16C
  • Lethal injection bill considered by House panel - Jn 17 83 2D
  • Lethal injection option advances - Jn 22 83 5C
  • Injection death bill endorsed by House - Jn 29 83 1
  • Lethal injection bill passes House, awaits final OK - Jn 30 83 15A
  • Death penalty (bill; inmate choice of gas chamber or lethal injection) - Jy 2 83 3C
  • Death penalty - Jy 6 83 12C
  • Little impact seen in N. C. from execution appeal ruling - Jy 10 83 24A
  • Editorial: Facing up to death penalty - Jy 12 83 4A
  • 1st inmate (Gardner) to pick execution method - Se 24 83 2C
  • Killer (Bondurant) wins reprieve from death sentence - De 7 83 3C
  • Lawyers for N. C. man (Hutchins) seeking delay of execution scheduled for - January - De 8 83 32A
  • Death penalty foes increase efforts in N. C. - De 15 83 14A
Capital Punishment
  • High court review sought in death sentence (HUTCHINS) - Ja 4 84 12C
  • Clergymen opposed to death penalty - Ja 9 84 1C
  • Panel of professors calls death penalty ineffective - Ja 12 84 15A
  • Most inmates calm on their last walk, ex-warden recalls - Ja 13 84 1B
  • N.C. is 5th in nation in death penalty use during past 50 years - Ja 13 84 2B
  • Death penalty won't be repealed, lawmakers say - Ja 15 84 30A
  • Death penalty: A search for justification - Ja 15 84 4D
  • Hunt urges death law changes - Ja 15 84 1
  • Death row inmates' days aren't clearly numbered - Ja 16 84 6A
  • Editorial: Vengeance is costly - Ja 16 84 4A
  • Editorial: Fair juries vital - Ja 19 84 4A
  • Candidates split on death penalty issue in N.C. - Ja 22 84 33A
  • Clemency review procedure sought - Ja 24 84 2C
  • Leaders of six church denominations ask Hunt not to allow death
  • penalty - Ja 26 84 1
  • Church leader pleads against death penalty - Ja 28 84 13A
  • Murder trials may feel impact of death-qualifying jury ruling - Ja 30 84 1
  • Stark death chamber awaits its mission - Mr 4 84 36A
  • Editorial: Life-or-death question - Mr 10 84 4A
  • Reality of death looms over the condemned - Mr 11 84 1
  • Foes attack death penalty as execution nears - Mr 14 84 9A
  • Editorial: the random execution - Mr 15 84 4A
  • Hutchins spurs debate on future of executions - Mr 18 84 1
  • Poll finds support for execution of murderers - Mr 21 84 1C
  • Velma Barfield seems to have next date with executioner - Mr 21 84 14C
  • May 25 execution set for convict (Williams) - Mr 22 84 2C
  • Victim's race bears more on death penalty than killer's, studies find - Ap 4 84 14C
  • Editorial: State a random killer - Se 29 84 4A
  • Desirability of lethal injection questioned - Oc 1 84 3C
  • Editorial: Mrs. Barfield's shadow - No 1 84 4A
  • Religious leaders urge opposition to capital punishment - No 1 84 35A - No N. C. executions likely until 1986, official says - No 5 84 14C
  • Proponents, opponents of death penalty clash at debate - No 8 84 3C
  • Exum heading national panel studying costs of death penalty - No 26 84 WA-1
Capital Punishment
  • New execution date set for convicted murderer (GARDNER) - Au 19 92, 5B
  • Editorial: Death penalty flaws show - Oc 7 92, 12A
  • Editorial: Free speech on death - Oc 8 92, 18A
Capital Punishment
  • Prosecutor plans to ask for ruling on death penalty - Ja 1 82 33
  • Jury has 'duty' to urge death penalty with certain findings, N. C. court says - Jn 3 82 1
  • Ruling may affect N. C. death law - Jy 4 82 30A
  • Death row in North Carolina - Au 12 82 9A
  • N. C. groups opposing death penalty criticize execution - Au 12 82 9A
  • Rights group vows to end executions - No 14 82 41A