N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 141-150 of 436 results.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Labor opposes food tax and offers own plan. N&O, Mar-29-61, 6:4.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Farm leaders backing tax on food. N&O, Mar-JU-61, 6:3.
  • North Carolina Merchants Association vigorously opposesincreasing sales tax. N&O, Mar-30-61, 6:5.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Tax measure no. 13 offered in Assemble. N&G, Apr-1-61, 1:1.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Food tax hit by State Grange. N&O, Apr-5-6l, 6:2.
  • Ice men object to tax levied on ice industry. Apr-5-6l, 6:5.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Sanford food tax backed but tax on tobacco feared. NaO, Apr-6-61, 2:5.
  • Electric power and piped gas sales tax proposed. Apr-6-61, 2:7.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Tax plans draw more fire. N&O, Apr-7-61, 8:1,
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Tax plan elect Lon not needed says Governor Sanford. N&O, \ nr-11-61, 1 :2.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • gislators to couns.der tax on chewing gum. N&O, Apr-12-61, 1:4.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Food tax opoosed by bakers. N&O, kpr-13-61, 8:5.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Don't tax food, housewife -oleads. N&O, A.pr-t4-6l, 1:5.
  • 16th tax bill offered for ibolishiry; state franchise tax exemptions. A.pr-14-61, 32:6.