N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 151-160 of 319 results.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Three Howell brothers, Fremont, In prmed service. F.28-44:2.
- "Tokyo Hose" is bipr flora ssys Capt. Pig Peptross, ReleJ h. Ft29-44:12.
- Ned Et5t)s, Raleigh, is boss of flying jeeps. Kpr.i_44:8~
- Three Stpncil brothers, Stsntonsburg, ere in service. Mpr.2-44:3.
- Lt. eoro-e Pope McKpy, Dunn man, glad to rech home. Mar.2-44:5.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Three Phillins brothers, Fountain, Rotate 1, in service. Mar.3-44:5.
- Army tank is named for Smithfield boy, George Willis Austin. Mar.3-44:10.
- Life in Algeria has odd angles sp.ys Sgt. Wilton H.Holmes, Elizabeth City. Mar.4-44S 3.
- Three Bradley brothers, Littleton, in service. Mar.4-44:3.
- Bulldozer attack on Japs idea of Raleigh man, Lt. Turnbull. Mar.5-44:9.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Chicago writer tell of aid given Chinese Maj. Henry Rcyr-ter in charge of forward station. Mar.5-44:14.
- Three Young brothers, Raleigh, Route 3, in service. Mar.6-44:2. X.
- Luck gunner is plenty good. Mar. 5-44:16
- First Lt. Floyd White, Raleigh, receives Air cort)s decoration. Mar. 6-44:10.
- Raleigh officer, Capt.Richard M.Gibson,
- praised for heroic combat feats. Mar.7-44: P.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- 5.
- Wilson man saw famine in India. Mar.7-44
- Tech.Sgt. Adam R.Williams, Morganton,
- rrennre? for rala in China. Mar.8-44:3.
- Ensign J.M.Westbrook, Newton Grove, a-shore after ?.C years. Mar.11-44:3.
- These little planes are big help to Leathernecks: Dick Hunt, Rplelgh, commands Cub -irforce in New Britain. Mar.11-44:10
- Three Davis brothers, Raleigh, in service. Ms>r.l2-44:3.
- Three Stalling brothers, Macclesfield, Route 1. Mrr.l- 44:11.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Four Greene brothers, Farmville, in service. Mar.12-44:10 X. 13-44:3.
- Zebulon boy aids in Berlin attack. Mar.
- Three Bryant Brothers, Trenton, are in service. Mar.14-44:5. 44:5.
- Tar Heels find action in Burma. Mar.14-
- Four Williamson brothers, Hobucken, in service. Mar.16-44:13.
- White brothers, Turret gunners from Eliz abeth City home from war. Mar.17-44:9.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- N.C. man, Second Lt. R.D.McKeel of Pow-ellvil'.e, beinp-s in plane safely. Mar.13-44:3.
- Barbour brothers and sister from Fayette ville are in uniform. Mar.19-44:6.
- Fliers request prayer serciee says Chaplain (Jordan; Sergeant tells thrilling story. Mar.20-44:3.
- Bunn Hearn Jr. , Wileon, back frox; war; Seven Sheldons, Raleigh, in service. Mar. 21-44:5.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- lst Lt. Richard M.Hunt, Raleigh, first to take off from captured Ja -irort in Cape Gloucester. Mar. 21-44:5~. 21-44:5.
- Newton Grove man scraps with Jap. Mar.
- Three Gurton "brothers, Littleton, in service. Mrr.P-44:5.
- Londoners -Te alarmed by chitterlings' aroma. - r. 2' -44:7.
- Three Vinson brothers, Svsnsboro, in se
- vice. Mar.23-44:6.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Catawba watermelons grovn In New Guinea; T.Sgt Roger L.Williams Jr., Wilson, returns from battle. Mar.24-44:3. 1.
- Money taken from a dead Jap. Mar.26-44:
- Three Draughton brother?, Dunn, in service. Mar.28-44:3.
- U to the infantry says Lt.Col. Thomas P.White, Charlotte. Mar.29-44:2.
- Tar Heel pilot, Lt. Lee Graveley, joins
- in action. Mar.29-44:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Three Gulledge brothers, Lakeview, in service; Duke alumni save live of command in?: officers. Mrr. oct-44:5.
- Seven Springs man, Cpl. Glen M.Stoud, back fro-, German prison.
- Three Humphrey brothers, Jacksonville, Route 2, in rervice. Ap. 1-44:?.
- Three Howard brothers, St. Paul, in service. Hp.l-44:3.
- Native Tar Heel, Capt.Gaston W.Callum, ha? fine record. A.r,-44:7.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Lt. Robert L.DuVpl, Kinston, impressed by night raiders. Ap.2-44:14 X.
- Tar Heel helps operste largest raess for army. Ap.3-44:1.
- Three Ellis brothers, F.yetteville, in service. Ap.4-44:5.
- Three Pike brothers, Littleton, Route 1, in service. Ap.5-44:3.
- Garner man, Pvt. John S.Johnson, carries sun-plies in England. Ato.6-44:10.