N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 151-160 of 395 results.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Leon S.Tilley, Raleigh, gets Silver Star Flight officers William E.Walton, Raleigh, wins Air medal. Jl.30-44:12.
- Chester N.Barnes, Wendell, awarded Purple Heart. Jl.30-44:12 X.
- S/Sgt. Herbert D.Carson, Jr. Lillington, wins DFC. Jl.30-44:13 X.
- Aid Medal awarded to S/Sgt. Earl A.Quick Orrum, Route 1; Air medal presented to trio of Tar Heels. Jl.31-44:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- 2nd Lt. Robert S.Hunt, Jr., Raleisrh, win Air Medal. Ag.l-44:2.
- James V.Jenkins, Bryson City, decorated.
- Borden Jones, Maysville, Route 1, gets Purple Heart. Ag.l-44:3.
- Windsor man, Lt. D.L.Williams, gets DFC; Clinton man, Maj. Oscar F.Fowler, wins decoration. Ag.l-44:8.
- Air Medal goes to Capt. Ned O.Etd-ds, Jr. Raleigh. Ag.1-44:12.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Edgar Vick receives posthumous citation. Ag.2-44:3.
- 1st Lt. J.L.Sears, Jr. Morrisville, Route 1, awarded DFG. Ag.2-44:5.
- 1st Lt. Ralph Clinton Winstead, Person officer gets Silver Star; Two Person soldiers given Purple Heart. Ag.2-44:10.
- Purple Heart goes to Cleveland Hall,
- Raleigh, Route 3. Ag.2-44:12.
- Capt. Andrew W.Fuller, New "era, awarded Air Medal. Ag.3- 44:7.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Air Medal won by Maj. A.B.Andrews, Raleigh. Ag.4-44:18.
- Posthumous award goes to Sgt. Selden W. Combs, Wilmington. Ag.6-44:5.
- Charlie Lemons, Siler City, gets award
- for bravery. Ag.6-44:12.
- Lt. Robert A.Young, Rocky Mount, awarded Air Medal. Ag.7-44:3.
- Purple Heart awarded to T/Sgt. George D. Wethering, Havelock; S/Sgt. Homer C.Good4-ing, Ayden wins DFC? Ag.8-44:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Air Medal awarded to T/Sgt. rover C. Holden, Youngsville. Ag.8-44:10.
- Purple Heafctawarded to Sgt. Zebulon Allen Rhodes, Wendell; Ag.9-44:5.
- 1st. Lt. Cletus T.Hord, Shelby, decorated. Ag.9-44:7.
- Purule Heart awarded to David M.Johnson, Bunn.~ Ag.9-44:10.
- Purple Heart awarded to William A.Streb, Raleigh. Ag.9-44:12.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Air Medal goes to S/Sgt. William P.Davis Warrenton; Purple Heart won by Cpl. James Weldon Smith, Aggier, Route 2; Bronze meda presented to Curtis Craver, Raleigh. Ag.lO 44:10.
- Pur-ole Heart awarded to 1st Lit. Philip D.Pesrce, Zebulon. Ag.10-44:3.
- Purple Hear awarded! to Charles Edward Doyle, Cary, Route 1. Ag.11-44:3.
- N.C. men given citation. Ag.11-44:18.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- William B.Davis, Stantonburg, wins Purple Heart. Ag.12-44:2.
- Brig.Gen. Miles A.Cowles, North Wilkes-boro Silver Star; 1st Lt. Beverley P.Bur-rage, Rocky Mount wins decoration; Ag.12-44:3.
- T/Sgt. George Spaight, Raleigh, decora ted; S/Sgt. Jesse Dean, Raleigh wins Purple Heart. Ag.12-44:10.
- Maj. LeRoy M.Stanton, Nashville, gets Air Medal. Ag.l3:2.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- General writes mother of hero, Lt. Milton H.Aycock, who received DFC. Ag.13-44:
- Purple Hea.rt awarded Charles Edward Sharp", Harrellsville. Ag. 13-44:8.
- Air Medal goes to S/Sgt. James L.Wilson, Clayton. Ag.13-44:9 X.
- Purnle Heart awarded to S/Sgt. T.R.My-rick, Littleton; Air Medal awarded to Capt Walter E.Simmons, Tarboro. Ag.13-44:15 X.
- Decoration awarded Edwin F.Gatlln, Beaut fort airman. Ag. 13-44:16 X.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Decoration awarded to Capt. Robert B. Pridgen, Henderson. Ag.14-44:6.
- Carolinians get Legion of Merit; Vonnie W.Gay, Spring Hope, Route 1, wins two decorations. Ag.15-44:3.
- S/Sgt. Edward H.McFarland, Jr. Oxford, gets Air Medal. Ag.15-44:10.
- Raleigh bomber pilot, Lt. Albert W.Johnson, recrives DFC. Ag.15-44:12.
- Tar Heels decorated at British air base. Ag. 16-44: 3. k
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Purple Heart awarded to Sgt. Thomas H. Smith", Henderson. Ag. 16-44: 3.
- New Bern flier, T/Sgt. William A.Neal Jr gets additional Air Medal. Ag.16-44:6.
- T/Sgt. R.S.Bsrham, wins Air Medal. Ag.
- 16-44:12.
- Clinton B.Smithdeal, Jr., Raleigh, wins Purple Heart. Ag.17-44:3.
- S-Sgt. L.Nelson Leggette, Robersonville, wins Air Medal; Person county youth, Lambert A.Wagoner, given bronze Star. Ag.17-44:6. A