N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 161-170 of 194 results.
Highway Patrol, State
  • Shooting victim slaying suspect; trooper caSfi probed. N&O, Sept-2l-76, 23:6
  • Court backs troopers in rape case. N&O, Sept-24-76, 37:2
  • N.C. trooper accidently fired pistol during chase. Picture. N&O, Sept-24-76, 11:1
Highway Patrol, State
  • Editorial: Trooper has trouble on his hip. N&O, Sept-26-76, IV 4:1
Highway Patrol, State
  • Trooper cleared in death. N&O, Oct-7-76, 43:1
Highway Patrol, State
  • Patrolman wounds suspect. N&O, Oct-25-76, 23:5
  • Driver shot in second brush with law. N&O, Oct-26-76, 21:1
  • Patrol leader says morale is excellent. Picture. N&O, Oct-29-76, 32:1
Highway Patrol, State
  • Editorial: Colonel Jones offers a scapegoat. N&O, Oct-30-76, 4:1
Highway Patrol, State
  • Panel to study patrol problems. N&O, Nov-5-76, 13:1
  • Kidnapped Va. trooper killed at N.C. roadblock. Pictures. N&O, Nov-16-76, 1:1
  • Jones questions trooper rescue operation. N&O, Nov-17-76, 1:1
Highway Patrol, State
  • Editorial"! Shoot-out mars patrol reputation
  • N&O , Nov-18-76 , 4:1
  • Roadblock witnesses tellof trooper's death.
  • N&O , Nov-18-76 ,1:1
  • Abductor's gun linked to death. N&O, Nov-19.
  • 76, 1:7
Highway Patrol, State
  • Hunt boosts study to improve highway patrol. N&O, Nov-20-76, 5-B:1
  • Patrol policy not followed in roadblock. N&O, Nov-20-76, 1:6
  • Editorial: Patrol rules ignored in shootout. N&O, Nov-23-76, 4:1
Highway Patrol, State
  • Judge prohibits autopsy release. N&O, Nov-24-76, 1x6
  • No evidence found patolmen fired shots fatal to VA trooper. N&O, Nov-2U-76, 1:1
  • Editorial: llgag order protects officialdom. N&O, Nov-26-76, ki]
Highway Patrol, State
  • Edmisten defends gag order. N&O, Nov-26-76 1:1
  • N&O seeks release of Fisher data. N&O, Nov-27-76, 21:1
  • Official secrecy cloaks 1-85 tragedy. N&O, Nov-28-76, IV 4:1