N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 171-180 of 194 results.
Highway Patrol, State
  • Autopsy report's release asked in trooper's death. N&O, Nov-30-76, 23:1
Highway Patrol, State
  • Delay seen in roadblock hearing; defendant hospitalized. N&O, Dec-1-76, 21 s2
  • Gag order challenge set Friday. N&O, Dec-1-76, 21:1
  • State defends gag order on patrolman's autopsy. N&O, Dec-3-76, 37:6
Highway Patrol, State
  • Judge rejects move to lift 'gag' order. N&O, Dec-4-76, 21:6
  • Patrol commander Jones to retire. Picture. N&O, Dec-7-76, 6:2
  • Ruling on autopsy appealed. N&O, Dec-7-76, 23:5
Highway Patrol, State
  • SBI concludes probe of VA trooper's slayiing. N&O, Dec-8-76, 1 :1
  • Expert links fatal shot to suspect. Pictures. NSO, Dec-9-76, 9:7
  • Greene is likely to discipline troopers. N&O, Dec-9-76, 1:6
Highway Patrol, State
  • Appeals Court to hear 'gag' challenge. N&O, Oec-10-76, 37:1
  • Editorial: Shootout mistake still ignored. N&O, Dec-10-76, U:1
  • Test to await suspect's recovery. N&O, Oec-10-76, 37:1
Highway Patrol, State
  • Greene plans to discipline N.C. patrolmen. N&O, Dec-11-76, I16
  • N&O asks 'gag' ruling be expedited. N&O, Dec-Hf-76, 25:+
  • Holshouser names acting patrol chief. N&O, Dec-15-76, 25;
Highway Patrol, State
  • Troopers fired after probe; violations not disclosed. N&O, Dec-l8-76, WA - 1:1
  • Hunt plans to select new patrol commander from 'ranks'. N&O, Oec-19-76, I :1
  • Patrol ticket-fixing tied to dismissals. NS-0, Oec-19-76, I 1sl
Highway Patrol, State
  • Ticket-fixing link denied by trooper. N&O, Dec-20-76, 1:1
  • Editorial: Patrol hurts itself with silence. N&O, Dec-21-76, ki\
  • N.C. officials withhold ticket-fixing report. N&O, Dec-21-76, 1:3
Highway Patrol, State
  • 'Gag order' in shooting dismissed. Picture. N&O, Dec-22-76, 1:1
  • Meeting called on shootout. N&O, Dec-22-76, 2:3
  • Autopsy report on trooper traces direction of bullets. Picture. N&O, Dec-23-76, 1:5
Highway Patrol, State
  • Editorial: Secrecy lovers abusing the courts. NS-0, Oec-23-76, kt\
  • New commander of patrol may be from outside ranks. NS-0, Dec-23-76, 1:7
  • Two N.C. troopers fired,.four are demoted in probe. Pictures. N&O, Dec-23-76, 1:3