N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 171-180 of 708 results.
- Cooley adtoises Increase In tobacco for Germany. Oct. 29-4-7! 16.
- Warehousemen ask 30 per cent tobacco acreage cut. Nov. 1-4-7: 12.
- Hedrlck sees huge loss under acreage cut plan. Nov. 2-4-7 1.
- Hawling hogsheads of tobacco pits grucker against weather, bad roads, worse drivers. Nov. 2-4-7 3-IV.
- Cardinal points explained in new parchase program. Nov. 3-7: 2.
- Tobacco leaders divided on size reduction needed. Nov. 6-7' 1.
- British buyers off marts, bug prices register gain. Nov. 6-7: 20.
- Tobacco prices decline in East. Nov. 7-1-?1 22.
- Tobacco plan fate hinges on British buying agents. Nov. g-47 1.
- Border belt sales, prices decline during '7 season. Nov. 10-4-7 3.
- Lower grades up on Eastern belt. Nov, 15-4-7: 12.
- Tobacco prices erenerally firm.
- Nov. 16-4-7- 2.
- Leaf acreage cut likely to be 2$%t says Schaub. Nov. lg-47 2.
- Tobacco prices register gains. Nov. lS-4-7T I1-.
- Weed quota cut to force many tenants off farms. Nov. 20-4-7? 1.
- Kerr wants weed in foreign aid program; Cooley urges German shipments. Nov. 20-4.7: 1.
- Tobacco prices rally on marts. Nov. 20-4-7: 7.
- Congressmen plan action to life tobacco exports. Nov. 22-4-7: 1.
- Sales irresrular on all markets. Nov. 24 4-7L "lkm
- Two belts show drop in prices. Nov. 26-4-7: 16.
- Tobacco export studied by Hoey. Nov. 30-4-7? 2.
- Offerings light on all markets. Nov. 30 7! 10.
- Two weed belts show price drop. Dec. 3-4-7: 36.
- Tobacco prices show decline. Dec. 5-47? 22.
- Acreage figure. Dec. 13-47: 1.
- Prices decline on Middle Belt. Dec. 13-17: 12.
- Tobacco hasn't been same since Moss started tests. Dec. 14-47? 4.
- N.C. tobacco acreage yielde leae than 1946 record. Dec. lg-47? 22.
- Farm official surprised at tobacco cut reaction. Dec. 20-4-7s 1
- Middle belt markets average $4-2.16. Dec. 27-4-7: 10.
- Wendell market has big season. Jan. I=4fcT2.
- Tar Heel growers recognize hardships posed by drastic reduction In tobacco. Jan. ll-4-g: 3_iv.
- Senator Umstead thinks leaf cut should be reconsidered. Jan. IJ-1,
- Grange Head thinks 20 per cent enough; Maybank for 10 per cent slash. Jan. 17-Jlg: 1.
- Acreage cut hits credit, Snow Hill man contends. Jan. 20-35 2.
- Old Belt sales, prices decline. Jan. 24-1: 10.
- Tebacco picture viewed by Carl T. Hicks. Jan. 25-43: 3.
- Rep. Kerr protests lifting ban on tobacco seed exports. Jan. 26-4gJ i#
- Morrill asserts Eastern Carolina market In danger. Feb. l6-4g: g.
- Cherry may see Anderson, ask smaller tobacco cut. Feb. 21-48J 1.
- Cherry, Umstead present plea for quota changes. Feb. 25-48 1.
- State's tobacco income down by $7.5 millions. Mar. 4-W 1. State's tobacco acreage 326,973 less
- this year. Mar. 5-lJ-g: 1.
- Tar Heel tobacco allotments of 25 acres er more. Mar. 5-H- 6.
- Governor pleads for leaf action. Mar. llJ-4-g: 1.
- Tobacco farmers to plant less than allotted acres. Mar. 2k-kS 1.