N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 181-190 of 708 results.
- Umstead expects tobacco to get aid plan benefits. Apr. 5_g: 1.
- Farmers hoping Cooley Is right; 50-eent tobaece would be first since 1919. Apr. 22-lJ-: 1.
- "Ifs" in tobacco outlook. Apr. 22-4-g: 3.
- Henderson tobacco Board of trade denies charge of Monopoly. Apr. 24-l! 12.
- Tar Heel tobacce leaders favor present crop plans. Apr. 25-4 1,
- James E. Thlgpen to direct tobacco branch of U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Apr. 30-g: 1.
- Southerners will combat tobacco seed ban repeal. May jM-S. 1.
- Tobacco "Lost Card" rules changed. May 24-lJ-g: 2/
- Tobacco outlook pictured as good. Je. 6-%6 1.
- German leaf buyer arrives in Wilson. Je. 20-g: 5.
- Tobacco hit by disease. Je. 20-4g: 16.
- Gravely praises export program. Je. 22-lJ-g: 1.
- Tobacco outlook better, corporation Is
- advised. Je. 26-: 1.
- Tobacco loan rate set at 39 cents for k. Jly. 1-lJ-g: 1.
- Lightest tobacco crop In four years forecast In U. S. survey. Jly. 10-lMJ: 12.
- Tobacco crop down fourth. Jly. 15-W 7.
- Advisory Council will study tobacco taxation. Jly. 23-4g: 20.
- tS6 week price seen on border.
- Jly. 2gJ4-g: 1.
- Quality of Border Belt tobacco termed as pood as 197 crop. Jly. 31-4-g: 20.
- 17 Border Belt markets will open sales Tuesday. Aug. 1-lJ-g! 1.
- Johnston county leaf acreage drops. Auff. 2-k-g: 12.
- Record average of $57.50 recorded on Border Belt. Aug-. H-U-#- 1.
- Some weed grades show price gains on markets. Aug. 5-k-g'- 1.
- Price gain shown on Border marts. Aug. 6-H-S: 1.
- Gadget aids tobacco curing. Aug.6-4g511.
- Border markets show jtrslee drop. Aug. 7-: 1.
- Record average. AuS. i 1.
- Tobacco conference today to study export problems. Aug. 30-SS! 1.
- Tobacco prices show gains. Aug. 31r, Tobac co prices show drop. Sept. 1-4-3 :S. Tobacco prices continue unsteady. Sept. 2-43 g.
- Prices drop In two belts. 3Lept. 3-4-g:10. Middle belt's prices firm. Sept. 4-4-S:i4-.
- Tobacco prices sfcow gain. Sept. g-4-g: 3.
- Tobacco prices show drop. Aug. 13-4-g: 24 teaf tSrices up on Border Belts. Aug. l-4-g: 2.
- Border prices still firm. Aug, 17-4-8 5.
- Prices on Border continue steady. Aug. lg-4-g: 2.
- Wake tobacco pretty good, Aug. lg-4-g:5.
- Price drop seen on Border Belt. Aug. 19-4-g: 2.
- Eastern Belt's average of $52 under expectations of growers. Aug. 20-2: 1.
- Prices advance on Border belt. Aug. 20-lJ-g: 6.
- Leaf Inspection nearly complete. Aug. 20-18: 6.
- Tobacco exports show big decline. Aug. 21-W 1.
- Lub prices sfliov; increase on Eastern Belt markets. Aug. 21- 1.
- Tobacco prices show Increases. Aug. 2k-b; 3.
- Weed prices show fluctuations. Aug. 25-3: Ik.
- Irregular prices prevail on tobacco markets. Aug. 26-15L 12.
- Slight weed price changes noted. Aug. 27-g: 12.
- Tobacco prices remain unsteady. Aug. 2&i 2.