N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 181-190 of 268 results.
Wake County
- Sheriff aulckly cancels appointment of deputy. Ag.10-43:2. 43:10.
- Turner appoints pair of deputies. Ag.14-
- Short-time deputy faces charge of carry-in g pistol. Ag.17-43:9.
- J.R. Jernlsran hired as Wake night Jailei Ag.18-43:12."
- These teachers to serve in Wake County
- schools. Ag.25-43:5.
- Governorn names Labor.T.oblization bd. for county, Ballentlne chairman. Se.4-43:1
Wake County
- 43:1.
- Auditor report on Wake ABC stores. Se.6-
- County will buy Treasury notes. Se.8-43! 10.
- Wake grnd Jury scores operation of county Jail. Se.10-43:7.
- Sheriff Turner replies to jury report. Se.12-43:3 0.
- Litchford reelected Wake ABC chairman. Se. 14-43:14. 3_4#
- Detention home to be renovated. Se.14-43
Wake County
- County topB $6,290,000. Se.30-43:2. 14. County gets report on Sept. take. 0.5-43 County to issue note to meet Toavine- debt
- 0.5-43:14. 2.
- Grand Jury raps upkeep of prison. 0.6-43 Different: Wake County representatives r- for four terms. Leadership; Candida
- tes. 0.13-43:1.
- Negroes esca-oe from Wake jail. 0.24-43:1
- Rich submits report on Wake collections.
- N.2-43:8.
Wake County
- Federal prisoners testify about party in Wake jail. N.3-43:5. N.4-43:2.
- Wake County commissioners honro Mrs. Bickett by naming the county detention home for her. N.3-43:5.
- State should act (ed.) N.5-43:4.
- Grrand jury ordered to investigate jail Tparty. N. 9-43:10.
- Shocking failure (ed.) N.10-43:4.
- Grand jury defers action on party in county Jail. N.10-43:10.
Wake County
- Grand jury report. N.10-43:10.
- Ingle announces Wake -:?yments in Social security. N.21-43:2. 10.
- Education board gets Wake land. D.7-43:
- Judge Harris urges Grand Jury to finish Investigation of "county jail Tarty." D. 7-43:147
- Grand Jury makes report on party in county Jail. D.8-43:14.
- Rich submits r ort on tax collections. Jan.4-44:12.
Wake County
- G.M.Ashby rnnounces for sheriff from Wake. Ap.4-34:12. Mar. 5-36:16.
- W.W.Holding seeking olace on Wake bd. of commissioners. Mar.8-36:12. 36:14. Sheriff Tyrner enters campaign. Mar.24-L. J. Sears se-:1:? auditor post. Ap.18-36:5 W.W. Holding candidate for county commissioner. May 7-33:16. 3<
- Upchurch gives primary pledge. May 9-42:
Wake County
- Wake County's mustered-out veter ns pet
- their discharge papers record free. F.17-
- 44: B. 44:8 X.
- Poll tics in W- ?ke sete slow start. F.27-
- k< boar:" of education approves canning
- projects; Turner suggests salary changes.
- Grand jury returns true bills. Mar 7-44:1
- Wake County commissioners ask Hi jhway
- com";' s r.ion to ii nprove Apex-Durham road.
- Mar.7- 44:1.
Wake County
- Grand jury critical of jails in county. Mar.8-44:12.
- They'll miss "The Judge" around the courthouse. Mar.17-44:20.
- Wake elections board needs another member. Mar.25-44:5.
- R-lph Sterhens named to county bd. of election-. MSr.31-44:5. Ap.4-44:5.
- Wake commissioners back milk subsidies,
- County tax report presented by Rich. Ad.4-44:5.
Wake County
- Registrars, judges named by Wake elections board. Ap.9-44:9 X.
- Saturday is closing day for filing by candidates. Ap.12-44:10. 8.
- County mailing soldier ballots. Ap.13-44
- Wake filers. Ap.13-44:16. Ap.14-44:18. Ap.15-44:10.
- House race will feature May 27 primary in Wake. Ap.16-44:2.
- Elections bd. reviews filing s. Ap.18-44 12.
Wake County
- Rich submits report on tax collections. May 2-44:3.
- Judge Stevens asks investigation of handling of prisoners. May 9-44:8.
- I.M.Bailey made chairman of Wake War finance committee. May 10-44:5.
- County rate of 67 cents provided in Wake budget. May 14-44:2.
- Wake reverse trend (ed.) May 17-44:4.
- ABC stores and taxes (ed.) May 18-44:4.