N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 23 results.
Albright, Robert Mayne
- Race still open, Albright claims. Apr. 20-lJ-g: 7.
- Albright flays Johnson tactics. Apr. 23-1: 3.
- Albright points to student vote. Apr. 24-4g: 2.
- Albright urging election holiday. Apr. 25-2: 4-11.
- Albright notes series of scraps. V. 27-g: 5.
Albright, Robert Mayne
- Talks on teacher pay. Apr. 28-K 3,
- Says public funds should be used to keep veterans' graves. Apr. 30-43 3
- Albright points to veteran role. May 1-W 3.
- Albright expects 200.000 ballots. May 4-lJ-g: 11.
- Albright would make any raise for teachers retroactive to Jan. 1, 1948. May 5-8: 2.
Albright, Robert Mayne
- Urges labor act draft. May 6-4g: 12.
- Albright asks state reforms. May 7-4g: 3.
- Charges "dirty politics!' May 9-46: 1.
- Mayne Albright says Machine is "already dead, but doesn't know it." May 11-W 13.
- Oust sales tax, Albright urges. May 14-IJ: 5.
Albright, Robert Mayne
- Candidate cites "new look" need.
- May 15-lwj: 2.
- Siler City club hears Albright.
- May lg-g: S.
- Albright hits party bolters. May lQ-U-g
- Albright ends tour In Stokes. May 20-4-g: 5.
- Albright Issues spending charge.
- May 22-4-g: 3.
Albright, Robert Mayne
- Albriecht covers his home county. May 23-2: 2.
- Albrights says War veterans ha ve chance for great influence. May 24-4g: 2.
- Albrierht repeats call for session. May 25-43: g.
- Albrlerht says he's for bonus. May =4g: 2.
- Albright urges platform study. May 27-fe: 3.
Albright, Robert Mayne
- Albright still undecided on second primary. May 31-1J-g: 1.
- Albright to be neutral in run-off drive. June 2-4g: 1.
- Albright declines Job as Broughton's administrative assistant. Jly. 25-> 1.
- Albright says World government alternative to World War III, In Chapel Hill
- speech. Aug. 25-4-g: 2.
Albright, Robert Mayne
- Albright calls for strengthening of UN. Sept. 22-lJ-g: 17.
- Mamed draft Board advisor, Oct, 9-k%'-J.
- R. Mayne Albright speaker at Raleigh's observance of UN Day. uct. 25-50: 10.
Albright, Robert Mayne
- Articles by:
- Politics: money makes the candidate. N&O, Feb-28-60, III 1:1
- On New Hope Dam situation, in Under the Dome. Aug-5-63, 3:3