N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 23 results.
Catholic Church
- Catholic - Episcopal covenant proposed in Western N.C. N&O, Jun-6-76, I 14:1
- Catholic youths gather in Kinston.. N&O, Jun-13-76, I 13:6
Catholic Church
- Priests' resolutions supported; N.C. death penalty, unions. N&O, Feb-18-77, 16:3
- Diocease to join church council. N&O, Apr-21-77, 14-A:1
- Catholics to air survey at May confab. N&O;, May-1-77, I 10:1
- 2
Catholic Church
- Catholic Diocese meets, voices goals. N&O, May-22-77, I 11:1
- Bishop back textile union. N&O, Jun-6-77, 8:1
- Priests' group disbands. N&O, Jun-29-77, 36:1
- Priest drawn to small parish in Stnithfield. N&O, Aug-11-77, 37:1
Catholic Church
- Church joins council. N&O, Oct-21-77, 32:3
- Two Catholic priests appointed by bishop. N&O, Nov-26-77, 20:6
Catholic Church
- Abortion fight urged. N&O, Jan-21-78, 19:6 Bishops: Stevens represses unions. N&O, Mar-
- 15-78, 10:1
- Stevens: Bishops have ignored facts. N&O,
- Mar-16-78, 29:6
- Author sees Catholic deal with Reds. Picture.
- N&O, Apr-13-78, 43:1
Catholic Church
- Sudden death of pope stuns N.C. Catholics. N&O, Sept-30-78, 6:1
- Family planning workshop. N&O, Oct-7-78,
- 11:7
- Local Catholics to march mile. N&O, Oct-
- 8-78, I 16:1
Catholic Church
- Pope's trip draws N.C. Catholics. Picture. N&O, Oct-2-79, 5-B:1
- People's Forum: Powell's cartoon on pope called 'offensive.' N&O, Oct-14-79, IV-4:2
- This newspaper's opinion: Single-issue politics rebuffed. N&O, Nov-8-79, 4:1
Catholic Church
- Married convert (Turner) will be ordained a Catholic priest in Rocky Mount - Fe 11 91 1