N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 75 results.
Ehringhaus, Gov. John Christopher Blucher
- Would develop latent wealth. May 7-82: 8.
- McLendon thinks Ehringhaus is gaining ground. May 7-32:10.
- Spruill explains r>ower co. cases. May 11-32:2.
- Says state has a case of tax colic. May 11-3?:4.
- Family budget is tonic of st>eech at Lenoir. May 12-32:12.
Ehringhaus, Gov. John Christopher Blucher
- Speaks in Hickory. May 13-32:5.
- Claims Fountain attacked party; makes reply to Fountain's 6 point inquiry. May 14-32:5.
- Candidate fresh form people. May 15-32: 9 X.
- Savs tax cutting is insufficent. Ma.y.li 32:7.
- Makes reoly to economy claim. May 18-32
- 4.
Ehringhaus, Gov. John Christopher Blucher
- Hallett Ward want Ehringhaus for Governor. May 18-32:5.
- In 8 3eech in Raleigh turns fire on Maxwell. May 19-32:1.
- Pledges efforts to help farmers. May ?l-32:7.
- Says Maxwell urges spending. May 20-32 5.
- Sane economy is pledge given. May 22-
- 32sle
Ehringhaus, Gov. John Christopher Blucher
- . Gives ideas on taxation. May 26-32:2.
- Opposes sales tax in any form. May 27-32:6.
- Ud to democrats to end depression. May 28-32:10.
- Delaney charges that state emoloyes coerced for Ehrinerhaus. May 29-32:1.
- Makes attack on Fountain record. May 2S 32:12 X.
- Fundamentals upon which campaign is based. May 31-32:3.
Ehringhaus, Gov. John Christopher Blucher
- Says state ill find way out. Je.1-32:16 Hits Fountain record. Je.2-32:7. Rally held at Snow Hill. Je.3-32:2. Halifax people hear Ehringhaus. Je. 3-32: 7.
- Lead in isrimary. Je.'5-32;1.
- Expects bigger Ehringhaus vote. Je.19-
- 329 X
- Rapsopposition party in Henderson
- speech. Je.22-32:5.
Ehringhaus, Gov. John Christopher Blucher
- Raps repulvican rule. Je.25-32:3.
- A.D. McLean and J.M.Broughton talk over radio for Ehringhaus. Je.25-32:9.
- Halifax people hear Ehringhaus. Je.28-32:9.
- Ehringhaus man attacks Joyner. Je.29-32:2
- Hits Fountain tactics. Je.29-32:5.
- R.C. Dunn lays building of machine to Fountain in his address for Ehringhaus. Je.30-32:3.
Ehringhaus, Gov. John Christopher Blucher
- Ehringhaus luncheon at Fuquay Springs. Je.30-32:3.
- Btliendon assails tactics of Fountain. Je.30-32:8. 4.
- Rally at Oxford for Ehringhaus. Jl.1-32:
- Col. Freeman speaks for Ehringhaus. Jl. 1-32:12.
- Gives 17 reasons against Fountain. Jl.l-32:13. 18.
- Manager visions Ehringhaus win. Jl.1-32:
Ehringhaus, Gov. John Christopher Blucher
- Again praises Fountain. Jl.10-32:12 X.
- Will take "schooling" here during his fall campaign. Ag.2-32:5.
- Eulogizes record of democracy in speech at Rutherfordton. Se.20-32:1.
- Flays Hoover politics. Se.22-32:10.
- Chatham throng hears Ehringhaus in stror speech. 0.2-32:1. 5.
- Cites national deficit in Wayne. 0.8-32:
- To carry on despite appendex. 0.9-32:1.
Ehringhaus, Gov. John Christopher Blucher
- Gives views on liquor question. 0.15-32:
- Lauds record of party in Ashboro. 0.15-
- 32:3. 8.
- Davie electors hear Ehringhaus. 0.15-32:
- G.O.P. charges called puerile. 0.18-32:7.
- Blader i voters hear Ehringhaus. 0.19-32:4
- Pledges more tax cuts to voters. 0.20-
- 32:12.
- Raps G.O.P. leaders in Kinston speech.
- 0.21-32: ?.
Ehringhaus, Gov. John Christopher Blucher
- Speaks at Rocky Mount. 0.22-32:1.
- Crowds hear Ehringhaus at Newton. 0.26-32:2.
- Speaks in Haywood. 0.27-32:3.
- Record is given by Ehringhaus in speech at Murfihy. 0.28-32:13.
- Speaks at Taykorsville. N.1-32:3.
- Hit8 hack at Frazier. N.3-32:i.
- Says Hoover regime costly to state in Charlotte speech. N.4-32:2.