N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 59 results.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Park commi68ion to discuss $100 day jury fee. D.9-31:3.
- tarts lawsuits. D. 12-31:1.
- Sue to collect pledges to fund. D.29-31:10.
- Tillery denies motion for removal Park suit. Jan.31-.??: 10 X.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Large portion of park funds goes to lawyers. F. 1.5-33:1.
- House asks probe for Park commission. Ap. 1-33:1.
- National Park prove great delight to thou8and8 of visitors. Jl. 15-34:3 11.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Jury sets orice for park tract. N.16-33 2.
- Gets $509,000. Jl.39-38:3.
- Mr. I ekes writes Gov. Ehringhaus why Tf.C. get Parkway. N. 13-34: 3.
- Last frontier invaded by white man. Ag. 31-40:5.
- F.D.P. ".ill dedicate park. S.1-40:1 M.
- President stresses unity in Great Smo-dles address. S.2-40:1.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Full park status is given Smokies. 0.13 35:3.
- jfark in Smokies leads all parks in touri ist total. 0.80-35:1.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Park dedication Is dream now come true. 3.8-40:1 M. 2.
- Given top spot in popularity. Oct. 10-41:
- More land added to Great Smoky. 0.31-43: 10 X.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Amee, L. L.
- National park.
- p.5, sect.4, Feb.20, 1927. National park a step nearer. Je.27-27:10. National park plans in shape. Je.8-28: 3.
- State provides money for park. e.20-28:1.
- Question validity of park statute. 3e. 21-28:1.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Million troRists will visit Great Smokies this season. Ag.15-37:1 0. N.C. scenic highways take lead. Nov. 23-41: 1 M.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Smokies visited by Asheville men early in century. Ag.11-40:1 M.
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
- Smokies Park plans outlined. Se.2-34:1 ]
- I ekes transfers parkway hearing and reei sets date. Se. 5-34:1.
- Governor heads Fark delegation. Se.18-34:1.
- Opposing claims to fark highway put be-bore Ickes. Se.19-34:1.
- N.C. route foriountain highway gets formal approval mfc N.13-34:1.
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