N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 11-20 of 147 results.
  • Bids on housing total $646, 580. D.21-391
  • Raleigh Hou sing bd. adds emoloyee. Jan.
  • 3-40:12.
  • Eauity mast er ends hearing in Raleigh
  • Housing. Jan. 6-40:7.
  • Kinston, New Bern yet funds for Housing
  • work. Jan.19- 40:8.
  • Foes map battle onKinston housing work
  • Jan.20-40 :7.
  • Injunct;.on filed 1 n Kinston housing mov
  • Jan.22-40 o
  • Straus defends Housing program. Jan.24-40:5. 40:5.
  • Values boosted in condemnation. Jan.30-
  • Housing Council in Raleigh elects John-ec son. P.1-40:12.
  • Re-aopraisals fail to suit 17 owners.
  • P.2-40:12.
  • Kinston Housing oroject uoheld by court,
  • F.7-40:3.
  • Saraple housing unit furnished for $127. May 5-40:2.
  • Slum drive tags hauned house of Hayes Barton, Raleigh. May 15-40:16.
  • Halifax court rentals in Raleigh begin at $8 a month. Je.21-40:20.
  • Housing program nears finish in Raleigh. Jl.19-40:22. 40:18.
  • Housing problem is studied here. Ag.15-
  • Bad housing (ed.) Ag.15-40:4.
  • Chavis Heights to rent lower. N.8-40:16;
  • Headaches trail New Bern housing projects. N.21-40:7.
  • H.M.White, Raleigh get important post a chief of National Defefise Housing Corporation. D.18-40:1.
  • Broughton dedicates the Halifax Court apartments. Jan.6-41:1.
  • Ten counties chosen for Housing survey.
  • P.7-41:12.
  • Clerk of court to sirrn Bickett 1 s 1 ud g-
  • ments. F.20-40:10. 40: a.
  • Sawver approves master 1s value s. F.29-
  • Chevis Heights building scheduled for
  • Monday. Mar.15-40:12.
  • First shack razed at Chavis e ightK.Mar.
  • 19-40:7.
  • Federal subsidy aids low-renting housing
  • olan. Mar.22-40:20. 5.
  • Jury increases housing a'wards. Mar.23-4C
  • c
  • Kinston awaits Housing ruling. Mar.24-4C
  • Enoloy-v.es of University launch housing plan. Mar.24-40:5 0.
  • Housing authority attacked in supreme court. Mar.87-40:11.
  • Former owners resist ouster in Chavls Heights. Ap.6-40:1.
  • Turning first dirt at Chavls Heights.
  • Ap.11-40:16.
  • Miss Helen Alfred foresees further public housing. Ap.24-40; 10.
  • Housing authorities re-name Kinston unil
  • F.10-41:5.
  • Federal project menaced as farmers desert home. - j.26-41:7.
  • Housing plan for farms proposed in this state. Ap.3-41:5. 2.
  • Housing set-up In east formed. Ap.12-41;
  • Negroes use winning fo advantage. Ap.21-41:5.
  • 4-41:4. Housing survey to open offices here. May Housing oroject is advanced here. May 2]
  • 41:2.
  • Lack of defense housing assailed by Df.
  • Reynolds. May 22-41:13.
  • Trailer camps opened for use in Wilmington. May 31-41:2.
  • Fayetteville dedicates defense housing
  • project. J1.5-41:3.
  • Pictures feature Raleigh housing rept. Jl.22-41:14. Ed. p.4.
  • East Carolina gets fund for rural home program. Se.24-41:1. 10.
  • Federal agency uniiies housing. F.26-42: Defense official explains housing. F.27-
  • 42:5. 42:7.
  • Authority given Housing orders. Mar.14-City real estate bd. to make housing
  • survey. Je.21-42:12. Je, 23-42:11.
  • 41:3. B.F. Brown head of Raleigh Housing. D.6-
  • Creighton named to housing job. Je.25-42
  • 12.
  • Officers chosen by State Council of Hous ing Authority. Je.6-43:3.
  • Poneroy is sepker pt Housing meeting here. Mar.1-44:8.
  • City receives check of Housing authority
  • Je.23-44:14.
  • Sale of permanent war housing. 0.22-44:1