N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 42 results.
Industries - North Carolina
- Pet milk company, buys North State cream ery plant. 0.20-30:10.
- Piedmont Carolina gets new industries. F. 9-31:6.
- Raleisch to have culvert factory. F.18-31:9.
Industries - North Carolina
- Survey proves capitals suitable for industries/ Je.10-28:12.0.
- Chatham Manufacturing company enlarges its plant. F.2-30:5.
- Fibre comoany of Canton will carry on. May 3-31:8 M.
- First cucumbers for pickle plant at Eliaabeth City: Pet co. opems plant at Albemarle. Je.20-31:5.
- Fibre company big industry. Jl.26-31:5
Industries - North Carolina
- Silk throwing mill at Asheboro to enlarge plant. Ag.28-31:5.
- Plan for revival of monazite industry. D.25-31:8.
- Many new industrial plants established in Piedmont Carolina. Jan.24-32:2.
- Industry eroep ahead n state. Mar.20-32:1.
- Leads in hosiery making. May 15-32:5 1
- m
Industries - North Carolina
- "T.C. I
- New industries fall below 1938. Jan.20-40:12. 40:10.
- Windsor may get basket factory. Jan.31-
- 90 new plants added in N.C. during 1939, P.21-40:2.
- Peper-growing tried by farmers in Wilsor Ap. 26-40": 3.
- 19 plants locate in state. May 7-40:12.
- Firms build 24 plants in state. S.S-40:
- 10.
Industries - North Carolina
- Worsted concern buys plant at Aberdeen. 0.31-41:13.
- New creamery to ooen near Raleigh today, N.27-41:11.
- Albemarle sands may be developed into giant industry. Jan.22-42:9. 42:3.
- N.C. speeds up industry output. Jan.31-
- Lumber company sold to N.Y. concern. F.
Industries - North Carolina
- Vitamins plant built on coast. F.26-42:3 Unique china factory planned in Morgan-ton. Mar.8-42:7.
- Ilmenite. Mar.20-42:1.
- Contract is awarded for Beaufort plant. Mar.24-42:8.
- Ilmenite experiments Droving successful. Mar.29-42:7.
- N.C. leads South in industrial developmf Ap.26-42:3 C. p
Industries - North Carolina
- 43:3.
- State due to get new fish plants. Jan.24
- Egg plant. F.5-43:16. 43:5.
- First shipment of copper sulfide. Ap.20-
- Here' story of venture into making army
- cloth. Ap.23-43:5.
- Cigarette paper industry. May 9-43:1.
- Broughton is pledtged aid for sioong iron industry. May 20-43:10.
- New contract for camouflage netting to be given Kinston com-any. 0.14-43:3.
Industries - North Carolina
- Sickling plant is enlarged. May 29-32: 11.
- Foreign capital flows to state. Je.19-32:12 X.
- W.H.Draper and Co. cordage factory enlarges plant at Rocky Mount. Jl.l 0-32:3.
- Pickle industry thrives in Faison. Jl. 17-32:7.
- Print paper made to the tune of "The Old North State". (ed.J Ag.2-32:4.
Industries - North Carolina
- Aberdeen to have fabricating piant. May 26-35:3.
- Morehead gets nrocess plant. Je.?-35:6.
- Vegetable pickling is eizabel industry.1113-35:8.
- Kinston rclant moved to city. Jl.51-35:3
- New factory begins operation in Sanford, May 22-36:5.
- Blue Eagle lingers in most state firms. Je.20-36:12.
Industries - North Carolina
- Vaneer Dlant plans fadtory at Morehead. Ap.23-37:9.
- New "bottling plant reports fine start. May 13-37:9.
- Pule company in Brunswick county will employ 500. Jl.17-37:12.
- Attraction. Ag.1-37:1.
- Mining activities growing in state. 0.1] 37:9.