N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 11-20 of 52 results.
Interest and usury
  • State faces interest pinch; ipl20 million in bonds cannot be sold under present rates. N&O, Feb-15-69, 7:2.
Interest and usury
  • House approves measure to permit churches to pay 7 per cent interest on loans to build church facilities. N&O, Feb-21-69, 6:3.
Interest and usury
  • Legislator asks Attorney General ruling on credit card and interest card lending plans; may be violation of usury laws. N&O, Feb-26-69, 6:6.
Interest and usury
  • Legislation enacted into law allowing churches in N. C. to borrow money at 7 per cent interest. N&O, Mar-7-69, 13:6.
Interest and usury
  • Legislation introduced in House to lift six per cent interest rate ceiling. N&O, Mar-8-69, 1:5.
Interest and usury
  • Senate receives bill calling for raise in interest rate ceiling which has blocked the sale of State highway bonds. N&O, Mar-22-69, 5:1.
Interest and usury
  • legislation introduced in House to lift interest ceiling. N&O, Mar-29-69, 5:2.
Interest and usury
  • 9% to no-limit interest rate ceilings proposed. N&O, May-15-69, 3'.2.
Interest and usury
  • Loan interest rates debated in House Conunittee. N&O, May-22-69, 14:7.
Interest and usury
  • Limited interest rate ceiling endorsed by House Committee. N&O, May-23-69, 1:1.