N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 45 results.
Lions Club - Raleigh
- 10.
- Local Den heafs Lions Governor. N. 23-43:
- Humphrey praises transport lines. Jan.4-44:2."
- "Lions hear talk on war subject by B.F. Brovn. Jan.18-44:8. 44:8.
- Lions hear talk on id to youth. Mar.23
- Lions nominate official family. May 9-44:8.
- Isley is chosen president. May 23-44:12.
Lions Club - Raleigh
- Nominate their officers. Kay 8-45:8.
- Starling chosen president. Je.5-45:12. Je.26-45:5.
- Hear talk on world peace by L.E.Hinkle. Jl.3-45:3.
- Hear addressof family education by W.N. Hicks. Jl.17-45:2.
- McMillan talks. Jl.24-45:3.
- Blinded marine veteran gives Lions -oride thrill. Jl.31-45:2.
Lions Club - Raleigh
- Dr. Peirce talks. Ag.7-45:3. 8.
- Lions he-r talk on radar in war. S.11-45
- Fourth officers quests of Lions. S.18-45 8.
- Atomic bomb debate. N.27-45:11.
- Present lights to Fred Olds school. N.2S 45:6. 11.
- Raleigh Lion's honor veterans. D.11-45:
- Leaders in Lions Christmas Toy shot). D. 23-45:13.
Lions Club - Raleigh
- Dr. Theodore Adams speaks. 0.2-45:8.
- Lions hear talk on traffic task. Jan. 8-46:12.
- Dr. Greer speaks on State orphans. Feb. 12-46: 8.
Lions Club - Raleigh
- 3. Raleigh Lions honor leaders. Jan.15-46: Hear talk on "King Cotton". Jan.22-46:12 Lions hear talk on labor issur. Mar. 12
- Lions hear member who visited Germany. Mar. 26-46 g.
- Lions nominate official family. May 7-46 12.
- Lions club told of Europe's food need. Way 14-4-6' 7.
Lions Club - Raleigh
- Charles M. Johnson speaker at Lions session. Aug. 6-6: S.
- Robinson addresses Lions club. Jan. 7-
- 7! 5.
- Slack makes speech at meeting of Lions. Jan. 21-7: 5.
- Lions hear Weathers on City Manager plan. Feb. 11-1+7: }.
- Carmlchael speaker at meeting of lions Feb. 18-4.7: 5#
Lions Club - Raleigh
- Lions hear program by school bandsmen. Feb. 25-7: 7.
- James Street addressee Lions club. Mar. k-kfi 3.
- Lions hear Maupln defend commission.
- Mar. lg-li-7: 2. Lions shown picture on handicappd vfcts.
- V. 1-7: 8.
- , sons and daughters gests of Lions. Apr. I5J17: 7.
Lions Club - Raleigh
- Lions Club installs officers for 197-ltf. Jiy. 1.17: 5.
- Lions hear R. Mayne Albright, Jly 15.-1-7: 10.
- Raleigh Club observes its 25th anniversary. Octl IM7< 3,
- Clarence E. Lamoureux tpeaker at Lions meeting. uct. 2b-7! 7.
- Lions toy shop need us urgent this year. Nov. g-lj.7: 3.
Lions Club - Raleigh
- Lions back traffic changes. Nov. 11-47 5.
- Lions club supports Friendship car here. Nov. 25-47: 3.
- Lions hear Deyton In State budget talk. Jan. 13-: 5.
- Lions hear talk on aid to blind. May lU4g: 5.
- Lions club sees Jap agriculture. May 25-4g: 3.
Lions Club - Raleigh
- John 0. Evans installed as Lions leader. Jly. 13-lj-g: 12.
- Local Lions off to Lions session in New York. Jly. 2$-i lb.
- City Attorney reviews first year of City Council in Lions Club address. Jly. 27-: 2.
- Lions club pets report by Evans. Aug. 3-14-g: g;