N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 56 results.
Lions clubs
- Lions of state open convention in Charlotte. Je.13-44:3.
- Officers installed by Nashville Lions. Jl.14-44:3. 8.
- Jones announces Lions officials. A.l-44 Club formed at Scotland Neck. May 11-45: 13. 7.
- Garner club n?mes new officers. Je.3-45: 14 new Lions rlubs formed on district.
- Je 5-4-55
- Ne-w' officers elected by Kinston club. Je
- 10-45:12 X.
Lions clubs
- 12.
- Glover elected Lions governor. Je. 17-45: Je.23-45:3.
- Governor picks his aides. Jl.20-45:2. 3.
- Lions governor picks chairmen. Ag.27-45:
- Praised for work with blind. 0.21-45:3.
- Raleigh lions club initiates cub class. Mar. 19-46! 10.
- Lions map plans for big meeting. May 6-46 12.
- Wake Lions alan icnic for blind. Aug.
- 21-46: 11. A
Lions clubs
- White cane sale will open today. Aug. 26-4-6: 7.
- Two N.C. Lions clubs exceed state ojiotas
- Ag.29-45:2.
- Changes proposed in Lions Districts. Jan. 5-I+7: 6.
- Lions hear plan for civic center. Jan. 2S-1+7 5.
- Top clubs named in Lion's contest. Feb. 2-11-7: 2.
Lions clubs
- UN's work cited in Hutson talk before regional conferences of Lions clubs. Feb. 4-14-78 9.
- Lions celebrate 'silver Jubilee.'
- May 26-V7: ?. Lions hold "Silver Jubilee" anniversary
- convention. May 2J-7' g.
- District Leaders chosen by Lions. May 2&Mrj: 5.
Lions clubs
- Wyatt Taylor elected Lions resident. Je. 3-7: 12.
- Gaither M. Beam elected District Governor of Eastern Carolina Lions clubs. Je. 7-7; 2.
Lions clubs
- Gaither M. Beam elected District Governor of Eastern Carolina Lions. Je. 7-7! 2.
- District leadors named for Lions. Jly. 18-17: 13.
- Wake County Lions Clubs start Pasturage contest. Sept. 29-4-7? 10.
- Lions to boost Carolina. May 24-43: 14 John 0. Evans chosen Lions president. Je. S-4g: 5.
Lions clubs
- Nancy Meekins, Edwin A ydlett, Jr. to represent State at convention. Je. 10-fctfi 16.
- Lions prepacming for convention in Greensboro. Je. l~>-H-t 6.
- Lions hold memorial rites for deceased members. Je. 21-4g: 2.
- Tar Heel Lions feature parade in New York. Jly. 27-: 1.
Lions clubs
- Lions Club hears Joe. Hood, of Wilmington. Sept. llJ-lJ-g: g.
- 300 attend barbecue marking close of contest sponsored by Lion. Oct. 15-: 3
- Lions Governor names official. Nov. 13-: 11.
- Eastern Lions ready for event. Jan. l6-l<-9: 5.
- Eastern Llone gather in Rocky Mount. Jan. lg-49: 7.
Lions clubs
- Lions chief speaks In North Carolina. Jan. 18-49: 3.
- Lions open Rocky Mount sessions. Jan. 19-49' 7.
- District Lions end session. Jan. 20-496.
- Lions open State meet at Wrightsville. Je. 20-49: 10.
- Lion trophies presented. Je. 21-49: 5.
- District Lions award trophies. Je. 23-49: lg.
Lions clubs
- Louis K. Day new District Governor of Eastern Carolina Lions. Je. 25-9! 3 Lions Governor announces appointments.
- Jly. I0U9S 7.
- Lyman is chairman of Wake Lions zone. Jly. 12-1+9: 3.
- Lions advertise State and win first price, too. Aug. 2-lJ-P: 5.
- Lions organize 67th Eastern club. Sept. 17-9- 3.