N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 151 results.
- Liquor continues to flow into Dry Tar Heel areas. Feb. 20-4g: 1. ABC liquor sales take tumble. Feb. 20-4-g: 19.
- Ministers fight ABC plan In Granville County. Feb. 2b-4g: a.
- Officers make big liquor haul near Wendell. Mar. 15-48: 2.
- Pender Drys to fight illicit liquor traffic. Mar. 16-W 3.
- Two Wayne pastors Join whiskpy fight. Mar. 24-43: 14.
- Moore Joins liquor fight. Mar. 25-43!
- Liquor sales up, but down. 3
- Apr. 17-43: 12.
- 154 cases of whiskey confiscated in Orange. Apr. 23-43: 24.
- Arrests follow ABC raids in Moore's resort section. Apr. 25-43: 1.
- Moore ABC raids continue. Apr. 26-U-g: I,
- Six nabbed in ABC raids fined by Moore recorder. Apr. 27-: 1.
- Club owners in Moore county fine $2,950 in liquor raid. May Ug: 1.
- Delay ordered in Guilford county liquor case. JIune 9-4g ' 1.
- Allied Church league seeks liquor re
- sSSRd,38irtior alcohollcs-
- Guilford officers seize whisky cargo. Nov. 19-g: 15.
- Raleigh Ministerial Association asks Legislature to call State-wide referendum. Dec. 15-g:i.
- N.C. liquor sales drop in November. Dec. 17-S! 28.
- Wet counties draft plan to fight vote on liquor. Jan. 5-9 1.
- North Wilkesboro seeking whiskey vote. Jan. 6-4-9: 3.
- Drys gather In ftalelgh in support of Liquor referendum bill. Jan. 20-4-9! 5.
- Ballot on liquor urged by State Allied Church league. Jan. 21-4-9! 1.
- Drys In Forsyth launch campaign. Feb. 3-4-9J 10.
- Liquor vote bill offered. Feb. 5-U'9: !
- Liquor dealer pays $10,000 fine In Greensboro court. Feb. 15-9! g.
- 30 nabbed In liquor raids by officers In Cumberland county. Feb. l6-9: 1
- Crowd packs auditorium for liquor hearing. Feb. lg-9: 1.
- More than 2000 advocates of ABC system come here for hearing. Feb. 23-9: l.
- Scott says right to vote bigger than liquor Issue. Feb. 2k-k-9'> 1.
- Liquor votes In 13 places get approval of committee. Apr. 2-9J 1.
- Wayne Wet league formed. Apr. 17-9: 5
- State ABC Board reports shipments to dry counties. May 19-9: 1-
- Liquor shipments continue to N.C. M ay 21-9: 1.
- $11,000 liquor haul made by Alleghany cPS.Je. 3-19:10.,
- ABC Head plans action to halt liquor shipments. Je. 15-9: 1. Equipment, whiskey seized in Alamance
- raids. Je. 19-49 10.
- Chairman R. W. Winston plans liquor curb. Je. 23-49: 1.
- Liquor fight aid reported. Jly. 6-49: 1.
- Catawba now wet. Aug. 4-49: 1
- ABC sales drop slightly. Aug. 17-49:15
- Forsyth and Stokes ready to cast ballots onquestion of ABC stores, Aug, 3-9:
- Winston warns distillers State may vote dry In 1951. Sept. IJ-ty'- 1.
- State will call Toffleers for drive on bootlegging. Sept. 20-9: 1.
- Liquor drive gets support from law officers; Governor speaks, Oct. I3-U9: 1.
- Illinois plans crackdovm on distributor supplying Tar Heel bootleggers. Dec. 20-49: 1.
- Governor Scott discusses views on liquor. Jan. 20-50: 1.
- Liquor sales reach 13,7,772 during February. Mar. 21-50: 20.
- ABC chief acts in liquor drive.
- Apr. 5.