N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 176 results.
Liquor laws
- Pitt county defers liquor election. May 30-35:10.
- Beaufort county drye drot; liquor law fight. Je.?0-35:3.
- State urn acts brought to test in high tribune. Se. 18-35:1.
- Liouor armeal arguments concluded befor< court. Se.19-35:18.
- Supreme court rules whiskey law validity yet to be determined. N.2-35:1. 3.
Liquor laws
- Rum shop must pay tax as chain stores. Ac. -0-35; ?>.
- Lienor la? case if first appeal as Supreme court starts. 4g.28-35sl.
- Want rum cases ara-ued at once. Ag.30-35:16.
- Liauor boards in joint action. Ag.31-5:
- Liquor store heads named in 'ranklin.
- D.31-35:5.
Liquor laws
- Getting nowhere slowly (ed.; N.2-35:4.
- Buck. N.3-35:1.
- Sheriffs of whiskey counties pledge enforcing of whiskey laws. D.6-35:3.
- Franklin wets carry election. D.24-35:1
- Supreme court says states have wide beverage control power. N.10-36:1.
- What to do with John Batfley Corn: extracts from state papers. N.26-36:4.
Liquor laws
- Fore 2s organize for liquor wars.D.21-
- 36:1.
- Wet units want to keep profits. D.23-
- 36:1.
- Administration toleave issue of booze
- alone. Jan. 11- 37:1. 4.
- Long state, short memory (ed.) Jan.13-31
- Drys 8. Me the demand state- -side vote. Jan.15-37:
- )dist church council againstliquor.
- Jan. 26- 37:2.
Liquor laws
- Drys plead for vote of people on liauor. Jan.29-37:1.
- Counties must cough up more liquor monej Jan.50-37:2.
- Rum bill rushed through House; referemn dum fails. F.4-37:1.
- Would legalize making of whiskey. F.6-37:12.
- Drys ask for removal of rum from oolitic F.12-37:1.
Liquor laws
- Senators defeat move for quick liquor vote. F.13-37:1.
- County liquor measure passed, as Senate kills state-wide referendum. F.17-37:1. 2.
- Cocktails legal under new lav;. Ap. 15-37;
- Easy. Ap.l9-37:2.
- Dare will vote on liquor. Ap.24-37:1.
- Durham county legalized whiskey. Ap.28-2
- 37:1.
Liquor laws
- IlDcal.dry bills dies one by one. F.19-37:15.
- Liquor measure enacted. F.20-37:1.
- Action on liquor votes is generally postponed. Mar.2-37:1.
- Dare county ordered vote on liquor. Mar, 5-37:1. 5.
- ABC act repeals local rum laws. Jl.8-37:
- Loophole in liquor law frees bootleg suspects. Jl.8-375.
Liquor laws
- Liquor laws.
- 18.
- Attorney talks rum possession. Jl.9-37:
- Gangway for bootleggers. Jl.10-37:4.
- Wines and beer exclude minor Seawell rules. Jl.11-37:12.
- Dry counties can't sell seized liquor. Jl.15-37:11.
- Moore stand by advertising rule. S.17-37:22.
- Purpose of advertising (ed.) 3.18-37:4.
Liquor laws
- 12. Liquor ads ban begins in state. 0.2-37:
- Many convicted under ABC laws. Jan.6-38: 8.
- More convicted on ABC charges in Cumberland. Jan.13-33:14.
- Officials probe oiquor landling in C Greensboro. Jan.20-38:11.
Liquor laws
- Attorney Genral Seawell doubts obligations on loans for liquor. Je.11-37:12.
- Eastern Carolina county commissioners association laud liquor systerm. Mar.17-38:5.
- Dry counties denied express rum dellverj May 3-38:14.
- Judge clarifies drunken driving. May 10-
- 38:8.