N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 27 results.
Livingstone, John A.
- Another church 6hrine in Anson, Mt.Vernon. 0.5-28:11.
- Nort:. Carolina magistrates still out of step. D.2-28-.7; D.3-28:3: D.5-28:5; D.6-28:84 D.7-28:llj D.8-28:12; D.9-28:10.
- How dry law enforcement got extra appro-Driation. F.3-29:10.
- Garter Glass' speech makes big impression. F.14-?.9:ll.
- Nothin? new in cornstalk paper. F.17-29:1 M.
Livingstone, John A.
- Three Tar Heels quit Waenington. Mar. 2-29:7.
- Overman ana Pou represent party as well as state. Mar.5-29:1.
- See collaose of Beal's campaign in Gaston County. Ap.7-29:1.
- State still due major t>osition. Ap.17-29:?.
- Warren flays Hoover policy. Ap.18-29:2,
- Overman against textile inouiry. May 3> 29:1.
Livingstone, John A.
- Morris L. Cooke makes study of power costs to domestic users. May 6-29:1.
- John Paxk sought to sell Greensboro Newi option. May 15-29:1.
- Mill owners to be given hearing. May li 29:1.
- News and Observer story s;ets into Textile inoruiry. May ?1-29:1~.
- Insists Mark Sullivan buried American farmer prematurely. Je.9-29:8.
Livingstone, John A.
- Power trust sought aid of editors of southern papers. Je.15-29:1.
- Recognize social iadident as "blow to Hoover cause. Je.lS-?9:l.
- State once more fails to get job. Je. 19-29:1.
- Boost Tar Heels for places upon new farm "board. Je.21-29:1.
- Some congressmen seem to think Uncle Sam is Santa CJlaus and Treasury is his Hack. Jl.7-29:? X.
Livingstone, John A.
- Community farm development proposed project for South. Jl.14-23:3.
- Will Senate committee Drobe reveal secret of radio trust? Jl".21-29:2 M.
- "Grab what you can" is sPirit behind all
- protective tariffs. ks,4-28:8
- to determine cower of i.C.C. in station
- building. 0. 0-9:10.
- Hoover's relief orogram failing to a-e chieve goal. Mar.33.-30:1
Livingstone, John A.
- Historic opinion in mining trial. Mar. 31-30:5.
- Justice White's career suggests desirability of democratic appointment. Ap.27-30:1 M.
- Democratic victories assured in half dozen republican states. 0.26-30:1 M.
- Wew -natriotp" dealt smashing blow in democratic landside. N.9-30:1 M.
- N.C. lead? in production of -nao-iPtratee
- D.?q_7 S.
Livingstone, John A.
- My country church down home. ff. 0, Oot.4,1985. p.6.
- Avery republicals make attack oi record of Hayes. D.8-27:1. Lana reclamation project is pusnea ii face of depression. Jan.1-28:1 M.
- Power lobbyists figures without Thomas J.Walsh. Jan.8-28:1 M. First person singular. Jan.15-28:7.
- _______________________________
Livingstone, John A.
- Shelley's rule in court again.
- p.9, sect.4, Dec.12, 1926.
- Illegal means to enforce law bring6 pro test. D.31-26:1.
- Not magistrates bur system that needs remedying. J.1-27:1.
- Notaries putlic lessen prestige of magistrates. Jan.2-27:1 seel.
- Magistrates of character need have no fears. Jan.3-27:1.
Livingstone, John A.
- Inquiry shows write-up of power company stock; High finance in power had origin in Carolina. Mar.1-31:5 M.
- Inventory of the South. F. 22-31:2 M.
- North Carolina medicos capture oratory honors at Duke Hospital celebration. Ap. 26-31:5 M.
- Not begging;, no choosing. Jl. 26-31:4 M
- manhandling. Jan.24-32:5.
- Speaking of politics. F.14-32:5.
Livingstone, John A.
- "In my oninion" (in regard to Sherman's statue on Bennett place) Be.25-34:4.
- Series of depressions measure their lives. N.il-34:2 X.
- Checking in on city managers. F.24-35: 5 X.
- City mayor on parade. Mar.10-35: 7 X. Dispelling some legal smoke from recent disbarment case. Se.6-36:2 0.
- Grounds for divorce. Se.l3-36:3 M. Seals, signatur s and notes. Se.20-36:3
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