N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 42 results.
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
- Ancient maD ends many myths about Corn-wallis. D.30-28:3 0.
- Whei. tne big war came to H.C. with subs somewhere along the Atlantic coast. Jan. 6-29:1 M.
- Singing prisoners insists upon maintaining mystery acout everything except voice. Jan.27-?9:10.
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
- Trunk lid makes patj for modern races. Ag.26-28:1 M.
- "Tory Hole" in Bladen county unique historical spot. Se.23-23:1 M.
- Smith will carry state by 70,000 margin. 0.29=28:3.
- Airplane barnstorming tour to historic ELigabethtown, N.25-28:1 M.
- Convict at state prison is still dreaming of artistic career as he fingers his
- clay. D.2-28:7 0.
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
- Blackbeard'6 buried treasure found at last but mystery of Pirate 6ola not yet solved. F.3-2d:d.
- World's largest map ie big mosaic of many photography snapped from plane in mid-air. Mar.3-29:8.
- Misses Walton still rely upon old sundial to mark massing of days and years. Se.8-29:3.
- Business that started on $200 of borrowed capital now celebrating SOth anniversa]
- Se.22-29:5. A
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
- McNeill, Ben Dixon
- Struthers Burt, martyr, "but jolers are burned. Je.22-30:6 0.
- Big business will try methods on N.C. agriculture. Jl.6-30:1 M.
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
- Horticultural infancy. May 13-34:4.
- Artillery plays war on old battleground Je.3-34:6 0.
- Eve is a nice snake. J1.8-34:5.
- A year ago they plowed up cotton. Jl. 22-34:5 M.
- Gray's Creek collects its dividend from war. Ag.5-34:6.
- Punpcretes and pies on the Cape Fear. Ag 12-34:3 M.
- Believe B.D. MacKeillf Then believe his snake tale. Ag. 19-34: 5.
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
- One bright Saturday afternoon in November. N.25-34: 3 X.
- Wherein some morals may be drawn. D.16-34:2 X. X.
- The war. ninety years later. D.30-34:3
- Something about a fox. Jan. 6-35:2 X.
- We'll get us a place next vear. Jan.27-35: X.
- About pink terrapin? and dishpan surerer; F.10-35:3 X.
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
- Tougee and Fools' Errand recalled from literary limbo. Ag.28-21:SO.
- Don't crowd. F.24-35:3 X. Da/e's mail and a great man. Mar.24-34: 7 X.
- Hick Is a chap who discovers he doesn't aulte belong. MaT.31-35:3 0.
- Young love and young tavagery. May 19-35:3 0.
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
- Only yesterday. Mar.3-35:? X.
- New Homesteaders for old. Mar.17-35:7 X
- And Fope Field has come to stay. Ap.7-35:3 0.
- Twenty head of children. Ap. 14-35:3 0.
- Last of I've. May 2o-35:3 M.
- No use cuesiner a mule in French. Je.?-35: 3 M.
- Jim Henry Sawyer is successful calamity Je.30-35:?M.
- Bill Sutton was a good turpentine hand. Ag. 18-35: SM
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
- Along the same old road to someday. Jl. 21-35:3 0.
- Really good life-eaver must first learn how to drown. Jl.38-55:3 0.
- Some more facts about Eve and Theda Barf Je.7-36:1 0.
- In evolution of rural free delivery mail carrier is community benefactor. Je. 14-36:1 0.
- Unveiling a memorial that marks long opposition to the reoublic. Jl.5-36:1 M.
MacNeill, Ben Dixon
- Sealed orders omitted mention of German submarines. May 10-36:3 M.
- Small town editor takes another family to raise. May 17-36:3 0.
- If you can't lick 'em, Jine 'em. May 24-36:2 0.
- An ancient sport flourishes still at sign of the Tow Sack. Ag.2-36:1 M.
- Good "boy. Ag.9-36:2 M.
- Marse Henry loved machinery. Se.6-36:3 U
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