N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 22 results.
Marine Corps
- Girl marines at Camp Lejeune doing splendid job while old Lethernecks still shake their heads. N.14-43:5.
Marine Corps
- 3. urders restruct marines' trevel. D.18-45 Powder-pflff Marines land at Cherry-Point. Sept. 11-50: 5.
- Marine M. P.s are versatile. Jly. 20-52: 3-IV.
Marine Corps
- 12.
- Marine recruits lead south here. 0.6-41: Ready on front lines for 166 years. N.9-
- 41:8 M. 1.
- Raleigh marines lead recruiting. N. 30-45-Raleigh recruiting station ranks fourth
- in nation for Nov. D.7-41:12. 42:8. Marine officers to visit schools, an.27 They are making tough cookies of Marine
- crops' paratroops. May 17-42:8 M.
- Hanley brothers with Marines. May 23-42:
- -LJL
Marine Corps
- 42:3. Marines to form negro battalion. May 26-
- Greer survivor, Lt. Jaeck, gets local duty. Jl.25-42:9.
- Negro marine groun slated, at New River. Ag.24-42:3.
- rines want letters fron home teachers. Ag.24-42:7. 2.
- Marines form Tar Heel platoon. Ap-. 29-42: Ag.30-42:7.
- New River marines in Solomans action.
- Se.2-42:3.
Marine Corps
- 3-42:4.
- To the sunny Philippines: poem (ed.) Se.
- State send out marine platoons. Se.12-42
- .3.
- Western N.C. marine platoon leaves
- Raleigh. Se.14-42:3.
- Marines sign son of Governor. Se.17-42:7 Be and American first: William L. Jackson wants gun instead of Bugle (ed.) Se.
- 20-42:4 M.
- Negro marine camp. N.10-42:20.
Marine Corps
- Think marines can't take it? Je.7-42:3
- M-Negro marines make good start. Sept. 13-42: 7 M.
- They fight without chutes, too. Jan.3-43: 1 M.
- The "Four Horsemen" of Solomon Island. Feb. 14-43: 1 M.
- Negro marines- made fine mark. May 30-43: 1 M.