N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 39 results.
- Raleigh Masons dramatization of the legends around which the Master degree is built. S.12-3:5:7.
- Hiram Lodge will hear Judge CJrady. Mar. 18-;54:S 0.
- 'Trand Lodsre to convene tonight. Ap.17-34t5.
- Eldridge honored by masonic lodge here. May 1-34:10.
- Royal Arcanum has annual convention In Greensboro. Jl. 19-34:5.
- Hiram Lodge No. 40 presents orphanage scouts with bugle. Jl. 21-34:3.
- Odd Fellows to hold meet here. Jl. 23-34:10.
- Shrago guest of Lodge rece$$lon. Jl. 27 34:5.
- Joe P. Jenkins gives Hall for use of Masons. Jl. 29-34:5.
- Unique lecture by C.O.Claudy heard by masons. Ap.16-35:2.
- Raleigh masons honor William G.Hill Lodg. F. 25-36: 2.
- Alexandria bids again for Washington's chair which is in Edenton. Mar.8-36:S.
- Open Grand Lodge In Raleigh. Ap.22-36:3.
- Plymouth lodge has long story. D.5-36:7.
- Hiram Lodge observes 136th birthday. D.S
- 36:8. __
- Briggs honored In masonic rites. Ap.lo-
- 37:10.
- Gather in city today. Ap.20-37:16.
- Masters select Michael Saliba. May 12-
- 3712.
- Copper chest by York rite masons. J1.6-
- 37:3.
- Irish masons visitors here. 3.14-37:13. Masonic Lodge will obaseve 137th anniversary Wednesday. D.12-37:3 M.
- Hiram lodge observes 137th year. D.14-
- 37:14. D.16-37:8.
- Convene in 151st meeting of Grand Lodge Ap.20-38:1.
- Denning is named by Masonic body. Ap.'BOSS: 5.
- Gibson is named by Grand Council. May 1] 38:2.
- Masons at Pittsboro mark hundredth year, N.20-38:3.
- Hiram Lodge, no.40 to mark- 138th blrthg day. D.12-38:12.
- Negro masons hold Grand lodge session in Kinston. D.16-38:5. 39:2
- Sanford Masons honor officials. Jan.12-
- Masonic group induct officers. Jan.13-39:8.
- First district Masons honor Roscoe M. Wynn. Mar.25-39)
- Golc?sboro lodge host < a.t Pythian' s meet4i
- ing. Ap.12 -39:5. 5.
- Officers named by Grand Lodge. Ap.20-39:
- H.M.Foy takes Masonic office. May 9-39:J
- York rlt e group elect local man. May 10-
- 39:2.
- R.V.Pate is elected as Grand Mast er.
- May 17-39: 13.
- Past Masters assemble here. Je.9- 39:20.
- Oldest lodge member to be honored to day by the William Hill Lodge. Ag.15-39:2.
- Enfield degree team In full regalia. Ag. 31-39:16.
- Masons meet tonight to mark anniversary of Fayetteville lode;e. N.21-39:7.
- J.Edward Allen visits here. D.1-39:24.
- Mason organizations instrll new officers D.14-39:2.
- Masonic lode:e onys honor ro Dr. Noble. Jan.16-40:2.
- LocpI masons eligible for lodge distinction. P.18-40:10.
- Sanford masons oay John Anderson honor. F.29-40:12.
- Lodge will honor veterans Monday. Mar. 10-40:6 0.
- Elm City man given high masonic honors. Mar.21-40:11.