N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 38 results.
Morrison, Cameron
- Morrison should named firebrands and demagogues, (ed.) Ap.10-31:4.
- Morrison and Bailey speak at Holly Springs. May 1-31:2.
- Think Morrison facing contest. May 4-31:10.
- Sees power as burning issue. J1.4-31:2
- Scores class animosity in speech before 120th infantry. J1.17-31H.
- Wilson politices declared remedy for present needs, in speech at Tobacco lest farm. Jl. 24-31 7'
Morrison, Cameron
- Makes Claiborne Royal1 his sec. Ag.l-3l: 1.
- Morrison stock, long depressed, begins to climb. Ag.3-31:1.
- Replies to power critics. Ag.B-31:2.
- Points to peril of radicalism in speech before county commissioners. Ag.14-31:4.
- Beat Hoover Morrison counsels in sr>eech at Rowland. Se.19-31:2.
- Morrison saye he is sure to win. 0.17-31:5.
Morrison, Cameron
- Favors relief measures. Jan.18-32:1. Favors Norris measure. F.29-32:5.
- Warns of communism in speech before D.A, R. at Durham. Mar.10-32:1.
- Partisan sPirit by J.Z. Green. Mar.20-32:4.
Morrison, Cameron
- Trouble awaits Sen. Morrieon. N.29-31: 6 0.
- Plan a short campaign. Jan.3-32:5.
- Speaks in Charlotte. Mar. 1=5-32:10.
- Say oDDonents slandering him in sneech
- in Raleigh. Mar.16-3?: 1.
- Srpnvp j-n WinPton Salem. Mar.lP-2: 8.
- TTnconvincing by H.B.Brown. Mar. 22-32:4, Urges cut in expenses. Ap.13-32:4.
Morrison, Cameron
- Raps G.O.F. politics in Wilmington speech. Ap.21-32:2.
- Morrison invokes short, ugly word in speech at Fayetteville. Ap.22-32:2.
- Robeson people hear Morrison. Ap.23-32: 4.
- Appoints Wake organization. Ap.26-32:5,
- Declines jou6t with Grist. Ap:27-32:4.
- In open break with Veterans of Foreign Wars. May 4-32:2.
Morrison, Cameron
- Early Ad Valorem foe. May 10-32:4.
- Talks on farm relief in Farmville. May 12-32:5.
- Chides his adversaries. May 13-32:10.
- Gives taxation stand. May 14-32:9.
- Talks to voters in Edgecombe. May 15-32:12 X.
- Lower interest for vets is asked. May
- 17-32:11.
Morrison, Cameron
- Asks to be returned in Louisburg speech. May 22-32:2.
- Opens two weeks' tour. May 24-32:10.
- Haywood voters hear Morrison. May 25-32:10.
- Romps on his opponents. May 26-32:8. 14.
- Dates for rest of campaign. May 26-32:
- Heard in two addresses at Wadesboro and Sanford. May 27-32:2.
- Rap8 Reynolds. May 28-32:2.
Morrison, Cameron
- Turns heavy fire UDon republicans. May 29-32:7 X.
- Says democrats can give relief. May 31-
- 32:2.
- Heard by large crown at Statesvilie. Je, 2-32:2.
- Stseaks at Durham. Je.3-32:2.
- Tackles rivals' records. Je.3-32:7.
- Strikes hard at Reynolds in Charlotte.
Morrison, Cameron
- Morrison and Reynolds forces may clash here. Je.9-32:1.
- W.R.Johnson calls on Morrison to get ou1 of race. Je.10-32:2.
- Saves Home Loan bill. Je.15-32:3.
- Women workers named by Morrison forces. Je. 15-32:7.
- Morrison's stand for dry law is praised by Dr. W.L.Pteat. Je.19-32:1? X.
- Talks on 0.0.P. plank. Je.21-32:1.
Morrison, Cameron
- Manning makes Morrison speech at Fayette ville. Je.22-32:2.
- Mrs. Lyman Cotten speaks for Morrison at Sanford. Je.23-32:5.
- Scores record of CO.P. Je.26-32:6.
- Call8 rival "Showman'1 in speech at Dunn.
- Je.28-32:12.
- Voters of Vance hear Morrison. Je.29-32:
- 2.
- Announce speakers for Morrison. Je.29-32