N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 11-20 of 23 results.
Paul, Jerry
  • Contempt review plea is denied. N&O, May-19-76, 33:5
Paul, Jerry
  • Paul's actions during Little trial defended. N&O, Jul-7-76, 27:1
  • Paul v. State Bar: Out of the mouths of lawyers. N&O, Jul-11-76, IV 3:1
  • To file suit on N.C. prisons. N&O, Jul-20-76,'19:1
Paul, Jerry
  • Files suit in inmate's (McLaughlin) death. N&O, Jul-30-76, 27:7
Paul, Jerry
  • Paul case action expected soon. N&O, Dec-9-76, 25:1
Paul, Jerry
  • Judge: Attorney may stand trial. Picture. N&O, Jan-5-77, 28:4
  • Lawyer uncertain of Appeal plan. N&O, Mar-5-77, 11:1
  • Attorney denies misconduct. Picture. N&O, Mar-8-77, 19:1
  • Jerry Paul sentenced to suspended term. Picture. N&O, Mar-9-77, 21:6
Paul, Jerry
  • Joan Little's lawyer faces trial on ethics. Picture. N&O, Oct-7-77, 12:1
  • Court refuses to hear Paul's contempt appeal. Picture. N&O, Oct-18-77, 1:1
  • To begin serving term. N&O, Oct-19-77, 24:7
  • To begin jail term after Jennings concert. N&O, Oct-20-77, 15:1
Paul, Jerry
  • Pledges hunger strike. N&O, Oct-2l-77, 32:7
  • Attorney Paul says he talked to Joan Little. N&O, Nov-3-77, 45:1
  • Lawyer challenges grand jury method. N&O, Nov-3-77, 13:1
Paul, Jerry
  • Trial date tentatively set. Picture. N&O,
  • Jan-8-78, I 16:4
  • Court holds Jerry Paul in contempt. N&O, Jan-
  • 18-78, 6:7
  • Paul gets support in fight with bar. Picture.
  • N&O, Mar-10-78, 16:1
Paul, Jerry
  • Backers sign ad scoring upcoming trial. Picture. N&O, Apr-17-78, ?5:1
  • Lawyers turn out to support Paul. N&O, Apr-
  • 18-78, 3:1
  • Trial delayed again. N&O, Apr-19-78, 8:7 Bar postpones Paul hearing. Picture. N&O,
  • Apr-?0-78, 50:1
Paul, Jerry
  • Paul, Jerry
  • '60 Minutes' to give a few to attorney. N&O, Sept-27-78, 28:1
  • District judge suspends lawyer Jerry Paul. N&O, Dec-22-78, 35:4
  • Act condemned by judge. N&O, Dec-23-78,
  • 31:8
  • Court studies Paul's right to practice. N&O, Dec-28-78, 47:4