N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 214 results.
Republican Party
- Hoover partizans try to aominate st ate
- committee. F.8-28:2.
- Will hold etate convention in Raleigh
- April 11. F.9-23:1.
- N.C. committee may be ignored. N.s -?di:
- N.C. reouMicans ?et c:~->ice jobs. D.5-
- 29:1.g
- Fieher named to succeed Tucker. D. 22-
- 29:1.
- Cramer may be C.O.P.C 'hair man. Jan. 4-30:
- 2.-
Republican Party
- Republicans open campaign of 1930 with banquet in Greensboro. F.13-30:1.
- Republican feed by Rnamkatt Roaster. K.14-30:4.
- Charlotte gets 0.0.P. meeting. Mar.?-3C
- 1.
- Republican primary is assured by H.5.
- Dorsett. Mar.13-30:1.
- Effort made to muzzle Dorsett. Mar.?3-30:1.
Republican Party
- Mecklenburg county reiou olicans met in
- Charlotte. Ma r.26-30:7.
- Kepublicans to make "big fight in this
- state. Mai -.2? -30:8.
- Laurence Ha.rris is name 6 Wake Q.O.P.
- head. Ma r 30- 30:3.
- 'Jeorsre Butler enters primary for sena-
- tor. Ap.3- -30 1.
- Blair thi nks convention rot to endorse
- Ap.4-30:1.
Republican Party
- Pritchard out for senate, Blair must fight or run. Ap.10-30:1.
- Blair silent as to senate fight. Ap.ll-30:1.
- Duncan slated for republican state chairman. An.17-30:1; Ap.18-30:1.
- Platform adopted by republican convention. Ap.18-30:7.
- if Blair wont Whitener will run for senate. Ap.19-30:1.
Republican Party
- Says Parker defeat would stop Blair's candidacy. Ap.22-30:12.
- Whit en er won't run for senate. Ac 23-30:1.
- Blair will not run for senate.Ap.25-30:]
- irvin B. Tucker files for U.S. Senate. Ap.?S-3n:i.
- Begin campaign by call for conferences. Jl.4-30:2.
Republican Party
- Spencer named by republicans for short term in seventh district. 0.3-30:8.
- Republicans see losses in state. 0.25-30: l".
- ReDublicans far ahead of democrats in money. 0.P6-30:!.
- Voters of fcee county hear onnosing views. 8.2-30:2.
- Renublicans reduced to sis counties in state. N.6-30:1.
Republican Party
- Grissom and Newell set sights on being drafted for Governor and Senator. Je.4-31:7.
- J.E.Little says goodbye to Grand old party. Se.13-31:5 M.
- G.O.P. leaders meet Saturday in Greensboro. D.4-31:7.
- Meet to select convention site. D.5-31:
- 3. D.5-31:1.
Republican Party
- Republicans may nominate Butler for Gov,
- D.8-31:1.
- Much republican talk on Foster's pleas
- for money. D.11-31:1.
- Seeks return of republican files. D.13-31:1.
- Republican officials try to regain papers. D.15-31:1.
- Brookhart body may probe in I.C. D.1# 31:4.
Republican Party
- Republican party.
- Republican official is indicted on 57 counts. D.19-31:1.
- Federal agents denied records in Greens, boro. Jan.13-32:1.
- Duncan huRis hot words at Ms district attorney. Jan.14-32:3.
- Foeter trial to be hotly fought. F.ll-32:2.
- Ex-postmaster, J. B.Fagg,- describes levy,
- F. 12-32:1.