N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 72 results.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Says democracy can give relief. 0.30-3J3 14 X.
- Asserts people want change. N.1-33:3.
- Has large audience at Clinton. N.1-32:4,
- Talks at Rockingham. N.3-32:7.
- Talks at North Wilkesboro. N.4-32:4.
- Given hearty greeting at Asheville. N.6-32:1.
- Both Asheville papers supporting Reynolc N.6-32:6.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Brings campaign to whirlwind conclusion. N.8-32:12.
- Takes trong wet stand. N.23-32:10. 12.
- Board certifies Reynold's vote. N.24-32:
- Reynolds said to be behind Warlick. D.3-3?:3.
- Revnoldp and ill deny reports of new machine. D.5-32:1.
- Takes oath as senator. D.6-32:1.
- Backs D.L.Strain for collector of internal revenue. Jan.21-33:1.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Stirs his constituents in recommending Marcus Erwin and McKee Cooner. F.k!8-33:7.
- Reynolds raps curbing right in regard to Roanoke Rapids measure. Mar.7-33:9.
- Opposes W.W. Neal. Je.9-33:1.
- Slakes -nubile apoloy for including in Cone-.Record speech criticising Sen Bailey and others. Je.14-33:1
- Reynolds' Secretary issues sta.tement assuming blame of blunder in Bealle ca8e-Je.17-33:2
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Bealle still on Reynolds' Trail. Je-21-33:7.
- Political friends believe Reynolds has lost caste. Ag.21-33:6.
- Leaves for European trip. 8.6-33:2.
- Tells of stay in Russia. 0.14-33:2. Denies run-off charge. 0.15-33:5. Tells campaign plans. 0.20-33:5. Rev. S.W. Taylor asks Reynolds to offer prayer before speeches. 0.22-33:2.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Says his men will win. 0.23-33:8. Urges votes for repeal. 0.24-33:7. 5. Gives challenge to N.C. voters. 0.25-33 Says he is preaching temperance. 0.27-
- 33:16.
- Has large crowd at Beaufort. 0.31-33:10 all rum damnable in KinPton speech.
- 11.1-33:5.
- Insists he desires teroerance. N.2-33:5 Sees repeal victory. N.6-33:8.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- "Vote conviction" Reynolds says. N.7-33:10.
- Sees extra tax load. N.9-33: 12.
- Regrets state's loss of revenue from liauor money. D.?l-33:9.
- Holds state isn't netting its share of public -Punds. Jan.3-34:1.
- Again protests against decision of PWA. Jan.15-34:1.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Gives out letter on M'Nlnch. Je.26-34:1( Says future is safe. Jl.12-34:12.
- HOur Bob" in fine fettle, spends night in Raleigh. Aug. 1-34:7.
- Reynolds claims hands-off policy concerning Beverage Unit. Aug. 3-34:7.
- Reynolds make new acquaintance. Aug. 3-54:11.
- #
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Senators questioned on American Legion four-point program. F.4-34:2.
- Reynolds asks concerning rejected savi F.22-34:2.
- Raps Home Loan bank. Mar.18-34:3.
- Votes to override President's veto. Mar 28-34:3.
- Scores home loan work. May 6-34:?.
- Calls for exact data on Home lending. May 8-34:1. Rars delays in loans. May 11-
- 34:3.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Sen. Reynolds' office much feequented place. Ag.12-34:6 0. 7.
- To engage in political cacroaign. 0.9-34 Is visitor in Mexican senate. 0.25-34:2 Commends Daniel's achievement in Mexico W. 1-34:3. 2.
- Makes defense of U.S. spending. N.2-34: Finds Mexico land of infinite charm. N. N.2-34:9.
Reynolds, Sen. Robert R. (Our Bob), 1885-1963
- Alamance folk bear Reynolds. N.3-34:8. For old age pensions. N.18-34:1. N.24-34:2.
- Flays tension menace. Jan.15-35:1.
- Not far enough ( ed.) Jan.15-35:4. Fisvp world tribunal. Jan.?3-35:l. pevnolp votes against orld court. Jan 36-35:1. 3.
- Fights Mexico ino\)iry. F. 7-35:3. F.9-35
- Closes uu at noon. F.8-35:3.