N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-16 of 16 results.
Riley, Jack
- Aycock Brown sells Carolina Coast. May 22-49: 1-IV.
- '49 graduates prefer to work at home. Je. 12-%: 1-IV.
- Tobacco Barn parties enliven nights. Aug. 14-49: 1-IV.
- Foreigners love Flue-cured leaf but lack funds to buy It. Oct. 23-49: 1-IV.
- Folks coming to their census. Oct. 30-49: 1-IV.
Riley, Jack
- Is old art being lot?(perslmmon beer) Oct. 3O-U9: 2-IV.
- School Bus system gets critical appraisal. Nov. 6-9: 1-IV.
- Marines work magic amid Onslow marshlands. Nov. 13-19: l-Iv.
- Doors to Employment and home being closed against growing number of old
- people. Dec. k-kS'> 1-IV.
Riley, Jack
- "Art" spelled with a Capital. Dec. 4-14-9: 3-IV.
- Hog Killing means pork for Christmas. Dec. 18-49: 2-IV.
- History slugged for 50 years. Jan. 1-50: 1-IV.
- Folks ride both buses and drivers. Jan. g-50: 1-IV.
- Raleigh traffic has Its hazards. Jan. 15-90: 1-IV.
Riley, Jack
- Water waste jeopardized rich resource. Mar. 12-50: 1-IV.
- Ignorance cost her $2,34- she sorely needed. Apr. 2-50'. 3-IV.
- School lunch costs just 20 cents. Apr. 9-50: 1-IV.
- Graduation Days.' May 2S-50: 1-IV.
- Sweet, Sweet Peppers. Jly. 23-50' 1-IV.
- Fred Temple spends K) years In Bacteriology. Jly. 3O-50: 2-lV.
Riley, Jack
- Lure of "Lost Colony" never lags. Aug. 13-50- 1-IV.
- Coastal Carolina attracts new promoters as last frontfcer. Aug. 20-50! l-l".
- State takes lead in peace-use atom studies. Nov. 26-50: 5-Iv.