N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-13 of 13 results.
Social Security Act
- Cost of security would be divided: total $4,000,000. Jan.26-37:1.
- Charles H.Robertson asked dismissal of legal action brought by 15 companies seeking to avoid payment of social security taxes. Jan.29-37:3. F.8-37:3.
- Hill continues security attack. Jan.30-37:7.
- Action lags; Cooper of Cherokee advocate Increasing sales tax. F.5-37:5.
Social Security Act
- Senate atjoroves 45-1, old age assistance bill. F.11-37:1.
- Passed Senate. F.12-37:3.
- WPA to turn dependents back on social se curlty. F.19-37:12. 1.
- Social security hits tax shoal. F.24-37;
- Would reduce security funds. F.27-37:l.
- Murder and suicide (ed.) Mar.1-37:4.
- Security. Mar.2-37:1.
Social Security Act
- Figures show local cost of social security plan. Mar.2-37:9.
- Half million people in N.C. were benlfil ing. Aid.237:12.
- Industrial. May 4-37:1.
- Fake "security" cards reported. May 10-
- 37:7.
- Cost of charity talked by bd. Je.9-37:14 Board approves state aid laws. Je.24-
- 37:16.