N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 11-20 of 45 results.
Textile industry
  • Clouds of textile war form rapidly in state. Mar.15-37:1.
  • Textile groups increase wages to block C.I.O. Mar.18-37:1.
  • Labor leaders declare increase insufficient. Mar.19-37:1. 1.
  • More increases given workers. Mar.20-37: Textile manufacturers will not resist
  • C.I.O. Mar.29-37:1.
Textile industry
  • Building understanding (ed.) Ap.6-37:4.
  • Carded yarn men seek work limit. Je.lO-I 37:2. 1.
  • Lodges vigorous tariff orotest. 0.25-37:
  • Mobilization. N.14-37:1.
  • McLaurine reports textile folks disturbed. D.12-37:1 0.
Textile industry
  • Textile leaders for fedVal act. May 21-37:1.
  • Textile leader advocates 40 hour week in industry. Je.12-37:3. 15,
  • Report indicates textile pick-up. F.3-56 W.P Jacobs declares mills maintaining apy. F.5-38:3. 2.
  • N.C. leads in textile expansion. F.14-3S
  • Unrest reported in textile mill. Ac. 5-
  • 38:2.
Textile industry
  • WPA to spend million in textile mills. Jl.26-38:1.
  • Minimium pay of 30 cents for Textile mills. Ag.19-38:1.
  • Textile industry causes ootimism. Ag.21-38:8.
  • Textile wages above average. N.22-38:2.
  • Murchinson gives optimistic view. N.23-
  • 33:8.
Textile industry
  • 12.
  • Tar Heel mills fill U.S. orders. J1.4-3S Ag.12-39:3.
  • War conditions blamed for textile declir Je.22-40:12. in N.C.
  • Cotton spinning industry tops again. Jl. 21-40:6 0.
  • Tar Heel textile mills get big federal
  • awards. 3.28-40:1.
  • State holds top in tectile work. 0.20-4C
  • 5.
Textile industry
  • Tar Heels sit on wage board, ar.19-41:i 60,000 to feel new pay scale. Jl.2-41:8. Textile workers to get oay boost. Se.25-
  • 41:3. 2.
  • Lawrence urges more pay boosts. Se.29-4] Textile workers meeting in Durham pledge
  • aid in defense program. 0.13-41:10. Enjoys record producing year. F.6-42:2.
  • Textile industry facing changes Murchi-son sayi: Ap.8-42:12.
Textile industry
  • One diagnosis (ed.) Ag.2-35:4. 14. Cabarrus mills on normal time. Se. 15-35 Textile leader. May 19-36:1. State leads others in active spindles. Je.23-36:16.
  • Textiles show healthy growth. 0.18-36:7
  • Further increase in textile activity. 0. 22-36:2.
  • Textile industry swept by pay Increase moves. N.18-36:1.
Textile industry
  • Mills announce pay raises. N.19-36:1.
  • Combed yarn workers to get pay increases N.20-36:1.
  • Pay increase movement reaches yarn industry. N.21-36:1.
  • Hart mills increase workers pay. N.23-36 1.
  • More wage increases are announced. N.25-36:11.
Textile industry
  • 14.
  • Textile plants raise slrries. Jl.24-42:
  • State tectile wages 54.8 cents and hour. N.3-42:5.
  • Textile producers sticking to theie spindles, but fabric output for first 6 months this year down. Se.5-43:1.
  • Textile operations hit by influenza epl-demic. J?n.?-44:3.
  • Hugh Comer opposes shift in textiel industry. F. 24-44": 12.
Textile industry
  • 44:5.
  • Serious textile shortage of looms. F.26-
  • Textile firm buys two factory sites in Hendersonville area. May 26-44:11.
  • Textile mills appeal to WMC. Jl.27-44:2.
  • Hojly Ridge to get textile Industry. Ag.15-44:6. 3-44:15.
  • Textile conference held in Charlotte. N.
  • Mill village:plan praised by Tom Butter-
  • worth, Sydney, Australia. N.8-44:5.
  • Demln plant planning cycly weaving test. Jan.21-45:12 X.