N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 708 results.
- Wallace receives price agreement. 0.10-33:1.
- Tobacco agreement aigned. 0.13-33:1.
- Seek just application of tobacco agreement. 0.14-33:1.
- Hancock assails tobacco marketing plan. 0.15-33:1.
- J.C. Lanier mmakes to Hancock attack. 0.16-33:1.
- Seduction rate for 1934 fixed. N.4-33:U Average tobacco price for season is 14 cents. N.14-33:1.
- Hancock gives OK to leaf plan. D.5-33:3
- Hanpy days back in eastern N.C. tobacco belt. D. 10-33:1 M.
- G.T.Hall- ursre? > Pi=min of tobacco pledge: Dll?-33:5:
- Tobacco prices average soar during November. D. 13-33:1.
- Asheville sales go on as usual, awaitin action by Ehringhaus. D.19-33:2. 4.
- Governor calls burley holiday. D.20-33SI
- Warns ainst failure to sign tobacco contracts. D.83-33:1,
- Tobacco acreage reduction agam ceuees interest. D.24-33:1.
- Dr. Young shows need of signin g the re-
- duction contract. Jan.< -34:10.
- May ask for legislation aiding- tocacci
- reduction. Jan. 7-34:1
- Tobacco sign-up will end tonight. Jan.PC
- 34:1.
- Tobacco growers will get cash. Jan.?2-
- 34:1.
- State fi ax mere sret 17 million. r.4-34:1.
- Hall would tax weed of non-signers. F. 9-34:i.
- Political echoes in tobacco belt, Congressman Kerr franks a letter. F. 12-34:1.
- Tobacco brines highest cricee since 1939 crop.' F.14-34:?.
- rjr0wers urore reduction in tobacco tax. Mar.4-34:1.
- is it the tax cthat keeps the farmer
- from setting hisi (ed.) Mar.4-344 M.
- Tobacco income doubled in year. Mar.30-34:1.
- Other states to join move to cut levy on tobacco. Ap.17-34:1.
- Keeuine; the record straight (ed.) Ap.18-34:4.
- Farmer? receive quarter million. kx).??>-34: 0.
- Tobacco control bill is passed in House 206-144. Je. 7-34:1.
- Weed growers are paid six million. Je.7-34:16.
- Taps sound for tobacco tax cut. Je.13-
- 34t12.
- F.P.Davis reelected head tobacconists.
- Je.1-34:5.
- Large decrease in tobacco crop. Jl. 19 34:1.
- i. 0. Lanier predicts over 20cents for tobacco. Jl. 82-34:8 M.
- Allot tobacco to N. 0. under Kerr act. Jl. 25-34:3.
- Greenville all ready for sales. Jl. 26 34:2.
- Warehousemen hear J. C. Lanier. Jl. 26-34:5.
- The same stake, (ed) Jl. 27-34:4.
- Proposes 5-cent cigarette pack in new tax plan. Aug. 2-34:1.
- Kerr discusses tobacco prices. Aug. 2-34:3.
- N.C. get five of eleven millions. Ag.6-34:1.
- Brighter piecure (ed.) Ag.7-34:4.
- E.Y.Floyd says tobacco growers are confronted by three great problems. Jl. 2-54:1
- Tobacco association elects new officers J1.6-34:5.
- May thank themselves. Ag.10-34:4.
- Estimate drop in weed poundage. Ag.14-3-34:1.
- Season begins (ed.) Ag.23-34:4.
- Weed (ed. ) 0.9-34:4. Deletion of eastern Carolina will ask A, A.A. for new tobco sign up. 0.11-34:2.
- )bc