N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 82 results.
Universities and colleges - North Carolina - Public institutions
- Bill would let schools seek private money for construction. N&O, May-9-63, 8:7
- Financing bill wins. May-22-63, 8:2
- New legislation revamps Higher Education system. May-26-63, III 1:1
- Three new senior colleges may issue revenue bonds to build student housing. Je-1-63 6:8
Universities and colleges - North Carolina - Public institutions
- Tar Heel Colleges get iunds to help meet construction costs. N&O, Apr-24-66, I 16:5.
Universities and colleges - North Carolina - Public institutions
- Wider use of college resources under study. N&O, Apr-30-66, 17:5.
Universities and colleges - North Carolina - Public institutions
- Gov. Moore proposes the increasing of financial support for higher education but does not intend to "write a blank check." N&O, Jul-30-66, 6:1.
Universities and colleges - North Carolina - Public institutions
- N. C. colleges have housing problems. N&O, Sep-18-66, III 1:1.
Universities and colleges - North Carolina - Public institutions
- Chairman of Advisory Budget proposes study of college enrollment limits. MO, Sep-23-66, 1:3.
Universities and colleges - North Carolina - Public institutions
- Chancellor Otis Singletar/ of UNC-G contends that N. C. can't afford another public university. N&O, n-?L-66, 9:5.
Universities and colleges - North Carolina - Public Institutions
- President William C. Friday favors consolidated concept for state university system. N&O, Oct-11-66, 22:1.
Universities and colleges - North Carolina - Public institutions
- Colleges' budget reauests sliced in Gov, Moore's budget proposals. N&O, Feb-14-67, 1'U.
Universities and colleges - North Carolina - Public institutions
- Gov- Foore calls for halt to colleges enrolling more students than authorized to admit. N&O, Feb-U-67, 3:1.