N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 214 results.
University of North Carolina
- University plans coaching school. Je. 23-27Jl4.
- Steiner leaves UNC to accept Tulane. Je.23-27:14.
- University to receive fund in clerk's hand. Je.24-27:8.
- Study theatre at University. Je.26-27:2
- Glee club will invade Europe. Jl.10-27: 8 (Sport)
University of North Carolina
- University nas aental courses. Jan.15-29:2.
- Harry Laialer at University. Jan.l3-2rf 4 M.
- Dramatic directors meet at University. Jan.13-29:8 M.
- Count Vsn Luckner speaks at University. Jan.20-?3:3 X.
- Trustees meet in Raleigft. Jan.23-29:13,
University of North Carolina
- President Cnase talks finances. D.a-
- 28:3.
- Honorary frat takes in six at University
- D. 9-28:3.
- Univereit f is leadei in new research.
- D.9-28:3.
- Dr. Chase speaks on purpose of univerei-
- ties. D.13 _ P o R
- Shore is naaied alumr ii head. Jan.5-29;4f
University of North Carolina
- Dr. Coker thinks injustice d one fraterfti
- nity in regj ards to burning of- their house,
- Jan.3-30:3; Jan. 23- -30:3.
- Banfi gets national distincti :m. Jan. 23-
- 30:3.
- Trustees order M emorial Hall to be torn
- down. Jan. 39-30:1 #
- S terpen S. Wise outlines his vision of
- America. F.5-30:3.
- No Daner? found in corner stone of Memo-
- rial Hall. F.25( 3:12,
University of North Carolina
- Frank Graham refuses to "be considered as president. Mar.l-30:1.
- University bd. moves slowly in electing president. Mar5-30:l.
- Graham lead? in straw vote for presideni Max.l2-30:l.
- Picture of Morgan P.Moorer, missine student at the University. Mar.15-30:?.
- President may he outsider. Mar.25-30:1.
University of North Carolina
- Says University among leadersMay 5-
- 27:5.
- M'Cormick to he D ean of law s chool.
- May 21-27:7.
- State university given fellow ship. May
- 21-27:7.
- Special awards to Carol ina men. May 25-
- 27:9.
University of North Carolina
- University one.of 28 picked for membership in.American association. Mar.4-28:8 M.
- Edward Scheiat new field secretary. Ma] 11-23:12.
- Two Tar Heels receive honors. Mar.13-28:12.
- Dr. C.A. Shore speaks at University. Mar.?8-28:7.
- Straw vote taken for democratic candidal Ap.6-28:8.
University of North Carolina
- Mrs. Elizabeth Verner declares University place for art school. F.11-28:3.
- Graduate school has home of won. F.12-28:1 M.
- D emocrats at UNC organize. F.25-28!
- 5.
- Professors on scientists' list. F.23-
- :3.
- Smashing precedent in having- women on faculty is helpful at University. Mar.4-26:1 M.
University of North Carolina
- Trustees give up plan to increase University fees. Ap.18-28:20.
- Wasaington Collegiate Institute of Beaufort county wins debating trophy. Ap.21-28:1.
- 36 initiated in Phi Beta Kaooa. Ap.28-28:5.
- Engineering- school will celebrate 133 years work. May 6-28:10.