N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 11-20 of 30 results.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Wounded
- Ag.9-44:8.
- Paul Holscher, Jr. Rocky Mount, wounded.
- Vernon King, Roanoke Rapids and Charles Baucom, Fuquay Springs, wounded. Ag.9-44: 10. Ag.10-44:1C
- R.E.L4.neberry, Cameron, Route 1, wounded
- Sgt. George E.Thompson, Macon, Edward D. Barefoot, Benson, Coy R.EubanSs, Merry Oaks, wounded. Ag.11-44:3. 11-44:14.
- S/Sgt. Frank King, Raleigh, wounded. Ag.
- Hc-rrd P.Nipper, Raleigh, Route 4, wound ed. Ag.11-44:18.4
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Wounded
- Ag.13-44:11
- Thad Sutton, Mt.Olive, Route 3. wounded.
- Sgt. John T.Allen, Warrenton. Ag.13-44-15 X. 14-44:6.
- Two St. Pouls men wounded In action. Ag.
- Maj. Ben.F.Dixon, Raleigh. Ag.15-44:2.
- Sgt;." Lewis J. Wall, Garner, Route 1. Ag.
- 16-44:3.
- Hyman Hopkins, Hobucken; John Paul Dudley. Columbus county. Ag.17-44:8.
- List three Scronce brothers, Hickory,
- wounded. Ag.lS-44 12.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Wounded
- Cpl. Ronald Godley, Washington, Cspt. J. S.Harrelson, Wprrenton Robert M. Newton, Oxford. Ag.19-44:2.
- Horace L.Tlllery, Rocky Mount, Melvln W. Adcock, Berea. Ap-. 19-44:10. 2.
- Capt. Richard L.Rlce, Rslelgh, Ag.20-44:
- Cpl. Chprles Reed Andrews, Raleigh. Ag. 20-44:9.
- Lynwood Wilson, Dover. Ag.20-44:15 X.
- Joseph Pearce, Micro. Ag.22-44:8.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Wounded
- Sgt. Joseph B.Alexander, Raleigh, Route
- 4. Ag.23-44:3.
- Floyd Batchelor, Rocky Mount. Ag.24-44:2 Guilford Preston Adaas, Willow Springs,
- S-Sgt. Thad P.Health, Snow Hill. Ag.24-44:
- 14. 24-44:16.
- Wilbert H.Brown, Lillington, Route 2. Ag John W.Cox, Raleigh. Ag.24-44:20. 44:2. Clp. Robert Lee Melton, Farmville. Ag.26 1st Lt. Battle W.Champion, Clpyton. Ag.
- 26-44:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Wounded
- Lancaster brothers, Raleigh. Ag.27-44:9.
- Hamilton D.Savage, Wake Forest. Ag.30-44 8. Ag.30-44:10.
- Cpl. Walter H.Ray, Wake Forest, Route 3.
- Capt. B.F.Crumpler, Raleigh. Ag.31-44:8.
- Sgt. Casnian Sea Franks, Raleigh, Route 3 and CtxL. Richard T.Barbour, Raleigh. Ag. 31-44:16.
- Pfc. A.D.Bridgers, Clarkton, ?nd Lit.
- Philip McDpvid, Jonesboro. S.5-54:5.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Wounded
- Cpl. John W.Godwin, Jr. Raleigh pnd Pfc. Walter G.Coo-oer, Raleigh ?nd Apex. S.5-44: 12.
- Pfc. George Harris, Gastonia. S.6-44:3.
- Pfc. Ellis R.Jones, Fuauay Springs. S.7-44:2. 7-44:11.
- Petty officer J.Carl Raleish. S.
- Pfc. Marion Grimes, Battleboro, Route 1,
- and Lt. dward W.Gaines, Fayetteville. S.8 44:7.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Wounded
- Woundedlist. J1.8- 44:8. Jl. 11-44:3. Jl.
- 13- -44 :3. Jl.20- 44:5. Jl.21-44: 3. J1.22 -44:
- 12 X. Jl.25-44: 3. Jl.27-44:3. Jl.29-44:3.
- Jl.30- -44:5. Ag. 1-44:5. Ag.9-44 :10. Ag. 10-
- 44 :3. Ag- 12-44 :3. Aa -.15-44:5. Ag.16-44:8.
- Ag.22- -44:9. Ag. 24-44: 11. Ag.26-44:3.31,
- 44 c S.2- 44:3. S.6- 44:5. S.7 -44:5.8 9-44
- 5 S.10-44:12 X. s. 12-44:3. S.15-44: 12.
- " - L6- 44:3. S.21 -44:5. S.22-44: 9. S.26- -44:5
- S. 27- 44:3. S.30-44:3 ,0.1-44: 13. 0.4- 44:
- 12
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Wounded
- 2.
- S-Sgt. James W.Faucett, Roseboro. S.9-44
- S-Sgt. Jesse Dean, Raleigh, loses legs i in France. S.13-44:12.
- Otho E.Graham, Olivia. S.14-44:3.
- S/Sgt. Devey Knox Rogers, Roanoke Rapids S.14-44:5. 15-44:8.
- 1st Lt. Lycurgus B.Ward, Nash county. S.
- Dallas H.Spence, Clayton. S.15-44:12.
- Cpl. Luther V.Hagvood, Youngsville, S.17 44:11 X.
- Thomas S.Godwiiw Wilson. S. 18-44:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Wounded
- Pfc. Thomas E.Glsncy, Maysville, Route 1 S.20-44:5. 12 X.
- Pfc. Richard E.Smith, Raleigh. S.24-44: S-Sgt. L.S.Poole, Raleigh, Route 2. S.27 44:12. 1-44:2.
- Matthew P.Manning, Goldsboro, Route 3. 0 S-Sgt. James R.Loyd, Warrenton and Cpl. John W.Roprers, Louisburg. 0.8-44:5. 44:2. 1st Lt.William B.Ayoock, Raleigh. 0.10-
- Sgt. Robert L.Massey, Raleigh and William M.Anderson Raleigh. 0.13-44:18.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Wounded
- 44:5. S-Sgt. George R.Johnston, Klnston. 0.15-T.5th grade Herbert Franks, Raleigh. 0. 15-44 :16
- Pfc. Bio.Bobbitt, Jr., Enfield, Pfc. Wil lard L.Langston, Wilson, Capt. Charles Thomas, New Bern, S-Sgt. Vann T.Stroud, Wake Forest, Route 3. 0.17-44:3. 44:7. Sgt. Jiramie Dean, Wlllo" Springs. 0.18-James W.Myers, Aulander. 0.20-44:14. Pfc.Rrlph D.Precythe, Faison: 1st Lt.J. D.Monroe, Llllinj ton. 0.?l-44:3.