N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 191-200 of 206 results.
  • Violence, death mark history of Outlaw motorcycle gang. Pictures. N&O, Jul-5-79, 1:5
  • Prepares for cycle gangs. Picture. N&O, Jul-
  • 6-79, 1:1
  • Outlaw disputes funeral reports. N&O, Jul-7-
  • 79, 19:1
  • Gang expected to hold funeral. N&O, Jul-8-79,
  • I 15:1
  • Party-loving cycle gangs can take a violent
  • turn. N&O, Jul-8-79, I 15:1
  • Outlaws meeting unreported. N&O, Jul-9-79, 22:4
  • Gang members' bodies shipped out of state. N&O, Jul-10-79, 72:5
  • PTL overcoming many difficulties. N&O, Jul-23-79, 27:5
  • Officers allegedly turned backs on recruiting. N&O, Aug-16-79, 16:1
  • N.C. city has air pollution problem. N&O, Aug-?0-79, ?4:5
  • PTL audit released. N&O, Sept-?6-79, ?7:5 Knox recognized for primary win. N&O, Sept-?8-79, 8:1
  • Anti-nuclear groups rally in three states. N&O, Sept-30-79, 1-13:1
  • Designer to be at Mint show. Picture. N&O, Sept-30-79, 111-9:1
  • Manteo to Murphy: Shocking electric bill. N&O, Sept-30-79, IV-3:2
  • Reflections on a evening of fine food, atmosphere. N&O, Oct-5-79,20:l
  • Poison dropping Charlotte pigeons. N&O, Oct-28-79, VI-11:1
  • Jingle bells in Charlotte. N&O, Nov-9-79,
  • 18:2
  • Fire empties 65 apartments. N&O, Nov-15-
  • 79, 55:3
  • 3 die as car, cruiser crash. N&O, Nov-18-79, VI 6:5
  • Charlotte-area N-plant may face stricter code. N&O, Nov-24-79, 24:4
  • Funeral today for Charlotte cotton dealer. N&O, Nov-26-79, 22:3
  • Eastern trial in 13th day. N&O, Nov-27-79, 27:4
  • White armbands posed as national unity sign. N&O, Nov-29-79, 7:1
  • Eastern jet lands with sparks flying. N&O, Dec-2-79, 1-21:1
  • Officer charges Army cover-up. N&O, Dec-5-79, 48:1
  • Beacon obstruction blamed. N&O, Dec-9-79, 1-44:2
  • Eastern record good, despite Charlotte incidents. N&O, Dec-17-79, 28:1
  • Architecture: A plan to enliven Charlotte's core - Mr 1 87 3E
  • One city rises; another falters (Charlotte; Winston-Salem) - Mr 1 87 1
  • Charlotte rolls out red carpet and more to woo lawmakers - Ap 12 87 1
  • Charlotte shops for architects; I.M. Pei 'fired up' to design hugh downtown complex - Au 23 87 1I
  • Gantt's loss may cost city (Black Mayors) convention - No 20 87 28A
  • Free ride for drunken teens draws support in Charlotte - Fe 11 83 2D
  • Court upholds use of Charlotte funds to lobby legislators - My 4 83 3C
  • Shipping plan to boost Charlotte, Wilmington - Au 19 84 9D