N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 191-194 of 194 results.
Highway Patrol, State
  • Patrol offered to help trucks through N.C. Pictures. N&O, Jun-??-79, 1:6
  • Highway Patrol annual. N&O, Jun-?6-79, 6:6
  • Patrol officials violating rules. N&O, Jul-70-79, 1:7
  • Patrol, families oppose Wetzel transfer. Picture. N&O, Aug-1-79, 27:1
Highway Patrol, State
  • New patrol gadget can call for help. Picture. N&O, Aug-4-79, 1:5
  • Woman to attend patrol school. N&O, Aug-7-79,
  • 6:6
  • Patrol ready for Labor Day. N&O, Aug-?8-79,
  • ?0:1
  • Special pistol marks patrol's anniversary.
  • N&O, Sept-9-79, I 10:4
Highway Patrol, State
  • Patrolman saves child, 3. N&O, Sept-11-79,
  • ??:7
  • "Process serving' duties by Patrol are criticized. N&O, Sept-?l-79, 31:1
  • Patrol probes alleged failure to provide aid. N&O, Oct-25-79, 26:1
  • Report of patrol shake-up in Robeson is being denied. N&O, Oct-27-79, 13:3
Highway Patrol, State
  • Patrol officer promoted. N&O, Nov-1-79, 45:6
  • Case review is requested. N&O, Nov-8-79, 49:3
  • Patrol satisfies minister. N&O, Nov-15-79, 30:1
  • Tax questions raised over patrol pledge fund. N&O, Nov-26-79, 21:1