N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 201-210 of 254 results.
Insurance, Automobile
  • Auto rate plan given to Ingram. N&O, Jul-11-75, 1:6
  • Sample of rates. Chart. N&O, Jul-11-75, 5-A:4
  • Standards for figuring insurance costs. N&O, Jul-11-75, 5-A:4
Insurance, Automobile
  • Ingram may take on insurers over costs of minor violations. N&O, Jul-14-75, 6:1
  • Rate plan helps cyclists. N&O, Jul-16-75, 29:1
  • Insurance plan rejection sought. Pictures. N&O, Jul-23-75, 37:1
Insurance, Automobile
  • N.C. auto insurers impatient for plan. N&O, Aug-13-75, 12:1
  • Lower auto rates face delay. N&O, Aug-22-75, 2:2
  • Ingram sets lower rate for cyclists; faces fight. N&O, Aug-23-75, 17:4
Insurance, Automobile
  • Auto rate plan may face test. Picture. N&O, Aug-27-75, 1:5
  • Factors affecting rates. Charts. N&O, Aug-27-75, 2:3
  • How points accrue. Charts. N&O, Aug-27-75, 2:3
Insurance, Automobile
  • Ingram issues 2nd order covering collision rates. N&O, Aug-28-75, 8:2
  • Ingram plan faces appeal. N&O, Aug-29 75, 29:1
  • Court blocks auto rates. N&O, Aug-30-75, 1:5
Insurance, Automobile
  • Some baffled as car rates remain same. N&O, Sept-3-75, 6:1
  • Car coverage plan blocked. N&O, Sept-9-75, 1:3
  • Ingram, insurance industry clash. N&O, Oct-21-75, 6:4
  • Auto coverage hike threatened. N&O, Oct-29-75, 19:7
Insurance, Automobile
  • A losing matter (for N.C. Reinsurance Facility). N&O, Jan-7-76, 15:1
  • Ingram tells reinsurance unit to get jobs for 8 agents. N&O, Feb-24-76, 18:1
  • Ingram auto rate plan before appeals court. N&O, Mar-11-76, 48:6
Insurance, Automobile
  • N.C. car insurance profits rated 4th by Commissioners. Pictures. N&O, Mar-27-76, 1:1
  • Editorial: Surprising profit on car insurance. N&O, Mar-30-76, 4:1
  • U.S. Senate sets back bill to regulate no-fault. Picture. N&O, Apr-1-76, 3:1
Insurance, Automobile
  • Hearing is ordered on policy rate hike. N&O, Apr-8-76, 9:1
  • Editorial: Court ruling offers Ingram a message. N&O, Apr-10-76, 4:1
  • Auto insurance agents seek legislators' aid. N&O, Apr-16-76, 31:6
Insurance, Automobile
  • CB insurance may cost consumer more. Picture. N&O, Apr-24-76, 8:3
  • Industry requests new rules for CB radio thefts. N&O, Apr-26-76, 25:4
  • Get CB data, insurers told. Picture. N&O, May-6-76, 1:1