N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 201-210 of 708 results.
- Tobacco prices advance. Jly. 29-9: 1
- Border markets will open auction sales on Tuesday. Jly. 31-9: 1.
- Border Belt leaf sales open Tuesday. Auer. 1-a: 5.
- Border Belt markets begin 191-9 tobacco sales today. Aug. 2-9: 1.
- Tobacco averages $50 on Border Belt
- marts. Aug. 3-9: 1.
- Leaf farmers heavily favor 3-year quotf 10-cent tax. Jly. 2k-kj'> 1. Tobacco vote was decisive.
- Jly. 25-9: 1.
- How Tar Heel Leaf farmers voted.
- Jly. 25-9: 3.
- Sees Border price over $50.00. J ly. 27-U9: 1.
- Average over $50 seen. Jly. 2%-kyi 2
- Opening average of $5-L8 recorded for Border Eelt. Aug. k-kji 1.
- Eastern Belt's tobacco prospects regarded "best In years." Aug. 5-9: 1.
- Bidding strong on Border Belt. Aug. 6-9: 1.
- Border Belt hits new peak. Aug. 10-9:5
- Border ses heavy sales. Auggi 12-4-9: 2. Prices higher on border markets. Aug. W-49: ?.
- Border Belt prices weaken. Aug. 17-49 7.
- Border Belt prices firm. Aug. 19-49:13.
- Eastern belt opening averages $4g.50. Aug. 20-49: i.
- Border prices drop slightly. Aug. 20-49: 11.
- East Belt average $46.43, Aug. ,21-49:1. Border Belt prices drop. Aug. 21-49:4.
- Leaf prices hold steady. Aug. 23-49!12. Eastern belt prices gain. Aug. 24-49! 1 Border Belt prices decline. Aug. 24-49: 5.
- " Rump" Tobacco sales hit. Aug. 25-49:1. Tobacco aids Forsyth area. Aug. 25-49!6 Eastern Belt prices steady. Aug. 25-49:6 Border Belt prices firmer. Aug. 26-49:11
- Weed prices show decline. Aug. 27-49:2.
- East Carolina tobacco leaders predict Improvement In prices, Aug, 2J3-49: 1.
- Rump regulation. Aug. 29-49: 4. (Ed.) $7.50 average recorded by Sandhills weed marts. Aug. 30-49 1.
- Eastern, Border prices advance. Aug. 30-49: 5.
- Leaf sales average $45.J$2 on five Middle Belt marts. Aug. 3149'. 1.
- Hearing slated In Raleigh on "Rump" leaf sale Issue. Sept. 1-49: !
- Middle Belt averages $47 as five week marts open. Sept. 2-4911.
- Grange to probe auction system. Sept. 3-49: 1.
- Wilson drops rump sale. 4ept. 4-49? 1.
- Markets 6n old Belt open with average of about $46. Sept. 13-49: 1.
- Old Belt marts average $49.4-6. Sept. 14-49: 21.
- "Rump" tobacco sales Issue now In hands of Frlzzelle. Sept. 16-49: 1.
- Sales of Tobacco top 1942 figure. Sept. 17-49: 1.
- East belt hits new peak. Sept. 17-49:g.
- Eastern belt prices climb. Sept. 13-49: 5.
- Judge Frizzelle signs order barring rump tobacco sales. S3pt. 21-49: 1.
- Rocky Mount tobacco men withdraw from Association. Sept. 22-4: 1.
- East Eelt average $51.43. Sept. 24-49:10
- Eastern belt hits new high. Sept. 25-49 6.
- Leaf prices reach peak. Sept. 27-49:12.
- East bPit average hits $55.15. Sept. 2gJ-9: 12.
- Eastern belt prices firm. Sept. 29-49: 12.
- Eastern Belt prices firm. Oct. 6-49:25.
- Companies refuse to buy hard-coal cured tobacco, Oct. 14-49: 1,
- New curers experimental, College officials declare. Oct. 15-49: 1.
- Old belt prices drop, others fairly firm. 0ct. 16-49: 3.