N&O Index Card Listings

Displaying 211-220 of 436 results.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Seek tax cut for two groups, N 0, Mar-21-63,
  • 12:4
  • Medical tax deduction, Mar-21-63, 12:5
  • Offer another tax cut bill, Mar-23-63, 6:6
  • fax cut bil_Ls face trouble in Assembly, Apr-12-
  • 63, 1:1
  • 6 .idllion extra surplus seen, May-9-63, 8:1 GOP Assemblymen propose veto for Governor; no
  • food tax, May-18-63, 3:3
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Terry "hopeful" of state tax cut. N&O, Hay-21-63, 10:1
  • Lawyers say nhone tax could raise rates. Kay-29-63, 6:1
  • House Finance Committee rules out tax relief. Je-12-63, 8:5
  • Committee revives tax relief bill. Je-13-63, 1:1
  • House passes tax relief bill. Je-15-63, 1:6
  • Tax revise bill stalls quitting. Je-19-63, 7:1
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Tax structure study asked. N&O, Je-21-63, 8:2 Solons pushing tax relief bill. Je-25-63, 1:5 Tax relief bill nixad in Senate body. Je-26-63, 8:1
Taxation - North Carolina
  • State's tax take is up S48.7 million, N&O, Jl-
  • 9-63, 11:5
  • Revenue, in 'Jnder the Dome, Jl-10-63, 12:1 Soaking the poor, (ed) Jl-21-63, III 4:2 State's tax take up by $5 million, Aug-3-63>
  • 18:1
  • 11 million in taxes forwarded to localities
  • by State, Aug-16-6.;, 38:8
  • Surplus, in Under the Dome, Aug-21-63, 5:1
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Comr W A Johnson: tax-exempt orgns shrinking NC tax base, N&O, Nov-6-63, 9:5, ed, Nov-8, 4:2, tax-exempt foundations to be investigated, Nov-10, I 7:1
Taxation - North Carolina
  • General fund tax shows increase. N&O, Dec-4-63, 16:2.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Repr S High, chrnn of com apptd by NC Legis Council to study NC tax structure, N&O, Jan-7-64,
  • 3:7
  • Ed discussing inventory tax's influence on indus, ed, Jan-31-64, 4:2
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Income taxgrowth is cited by Revenue Commis-
  • sioner. N&O, Mar-5-64, 17:4.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • General tax fund up 6 .56 oer cent. N&O,
  • Mar-5-64, 17: 6.
Taxation - North Carolina
  • Warning to taxpayers: It's that time again.
  • 10, Ap-15-64, 1:1.