N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 271-280 of 319 results.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- SSurprise Is awaiting for Tar Heel soldier. Je.11-45:10. Je.12-45:5.
- Cpl. Walter Creech is with B24 outfit.
- Three Bounds brothers, Wel&On, in service. de. 13-45:3.
- Wilson soldier, Lt. R.A.Dabis, leads assault on Okinawa. Je.14-45:3.
- Capt. R.R.Powell, Concord, helps eliminate Jpps: Three Trr Heels helped halt foe Je.14-45:8.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Three Ballance brothers, Kenly, Route 1, in service. Je.15-45:6.
- Nips get rough handling from N.C. paratroopers. Je.17-45:6.
- Five Aumnns brothers, West End, Moore county, in service. Je.17-45:11.
- Three Price brothers, Williamston, Route 2, in service. Je.17-45:14 X.
- Young Tar Heel, Sgt. Harry P.Dunnagan, has been around. Je.19-45:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- 5.
- Tar Heels tell battle stories. Je.19-45: Three Everette brothers, Macclesfield, in service. Je.21-45:8. 45:2.
- Tar Heel tells surrender story. Je.24-
- Ralelgh reunion in Rome: Hardy and Myrtle Mills. Je.24-45:8.
- Four Murphys SnoTsr Hi2il, Route 1 and Three Wood brothers, Snow Hill, Route 1, in service. Je.24-45:11 X.
- Lt. James M.Atkins, Asheville, sets Pacific record. J.A 29-45:7.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Je.29-45:12.
- Three Olivers, Pollocksville, in service
- Two Lewis brothers, sister, Zebulon, Route 2, in service; Tar Heel's pal stays until end. Je.29-45:17.
- Raleigh soldier, Sgt. James David Taylor writes of nazls. Je.30-45:10.
- Dixon brothers, Raleigh, meet in Pacific Jl.1-45:8.
- Three Arnold brothers, Louisburg, in service. Jl.1-45:11 X.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Three Butler brothers, Roanoke' Rapids, in service. Je.29-45:8.
- Raleigh soldier, Cpl. Needhara B.Stuart, helps in rescue. Je.29-45:9.
- Tar Heel in army group marooned on Green land. Jl.3-45:1.
- Navy and Coast guard to have "Homesick E Hill". J1.3-45:3.
- Godwin airman, Lt.D.B.Wil?_iams, gets Jap plane. Jl.3-45:5.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Two Yates brothers, Raleigh, meet in Pacific. Jl.3-45:10. 45:8.
- Five Garners, Newport, in service. J1.5-M.C. airman, S.Sgt. W.E.Glosver, Rocky-Mount, enjoys one forced landing. Jl.5-45: 10.
- Three Meese brothers, Greenville, in service. Jl.6-45:5. J1.8-45:6. Smith brothers, Raleigh, meet in Belgium Long and the short of it. Jl.8-45:10~X.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Three Parser brothers, Murfreesboro, Route 1, in service. Jl.8-45:13 X.
- Three Gschwind brothers, Vess, in Navy. Jl.8-45:15 X.
- Apex soldier invents laundering machine on Okinawa. Jl.9-45:10. ~12-45:2.
- Three Barbours, Raleigh, In service. Jl.
- Raleigh soldier arrests German gasoline thlevesT Jl.12-45:11.
- Tar Heel develops fire bombs. Jl.15-45:5
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Four Lester brothers, Raleigh, Route 3, in service. Jl.15-45:7.
- Tar Heels of the 316th offer views of Europe. Jl.15-45:1? X.
- Raleigh men ooured sells into Japanese. Jl.16-45:10. 5.
- Tar Heel leads search for J?ps. Jl.17-45
- Four Jordans, Whiteville, in service. Jl 19-45:3.
- Three Houston brothers, Pink Hill, in service. Jl. 19-45.
- 4j5
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Three Howell brothers, Princeton, Route 1, in service. Jl.20-45:3.
- Two Dunn airman describe damage in leich Jl.22-45:5.
- Three Frederick brothers, Warsaw, in sei vice. Jl.26-45:8.
- Three Leggett brothers, Robersonville, in service. Jl.28-45:3.
- Kirkland brothers, Whitakers, meet in Paris. Jl.29-45:3.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II)
- Three sons of A.J.Greens have reunion overseas. Jl.29-45:6.
- Three Broadvell brothers, Raleigh, Route 2, in service. Jl.29-45:8. 0
- First selectee moves family to Porto Ric Jl.30-45:9.
- Edenton airman bags Jap plane. Ag.1-45:1
- Leaksville boy, Pfc. L.I.Gauldln, holds off Jans; Touch of home, Billy Bragew pi-lore N'.C. bought plan. Ag. 2-45:2.