N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 281-290 of 395 results.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Purole Heart to S-Sgt. Welter E.Bryan, Raleigh, Route 3. Mar725-45:;2
- DFC to Pfc Ormand N.Crabtree, Raleigh. Mar.25-45:7 X.
- Bronze Star to Maj.J.S.Stearns, Jr.Monroe. Mar.26-45:8.
- Purrle Heart to Cpl.James Sutton Bayden, Richlands. Msr.27-45:8.
- Sgt. enry Ervin Deaton, Shannon, Merit of honor, posthumously. Mar.28-45:7.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- let. Lt. Joseph A.Smith, Jr. Goldsboro, Oak Leaf cluster; Purple Heart to Pfc. C. E.Wood, Clayton. Mar.28-45:7.
- S-Sgt. Johnny D.Plver, Jr. Kinston, two Clusters. Msr.29-45:2.
- T/Sgt. Clyde D.Johnson, Raleigh, Oak Leaf cluster; Commendation given Lt.Lonnle R.Alford, Raleigh. Mar.29-45:3.
- Sgt. Clarence A.Chambers, Raleigh, Brons Star. Mar.29-45:12.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Sgt.Frank M.Bunn, Raleigh, Air Medal and Oak Leaf cluster. Mar.30-45:5.
- Air Medal to S-Sgt. William F.Waters, Greenville. Mar.30-45:8.
- Another cluster t\ron by S-Sgt. Marion L. Eakes; Gapt. Paul E.Picket, Raleigh, DFC. Mar. 30-45': 11. 30-45:16.
- Purole Heart to Pvt.Donald W. Stell. Mr.
- S-Sgt. William J.Andrews, Raleigh, Bronze Star; Air Medal to Lt.Charles La-mond, Raleigh; Bronze Star to Lt.Leon D
- Smith, Elizabetij town. Mar. 31-45:8.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Purple Heart to Pfc. Talmadge G.Lindsey, Raleigh and Youngsville; Bronze Star to Herbert W.Keeler, Raleigh. Ar.l-45:2.
- Air Medal to S-Sgt.E.P.Mattox, Saratoga; Purnle Heart o Pfc. Robert E.Parker, Golds bor, Route 1; Legion of Merit to Maj. W.T. McDaniel, Raleigh; Bronze Star to Pfc. Arthur M.Brown, Jr.,Raleigh. Ap.1-45:8.
- Bronze Medal to Lt.Col. H.B.Hines, Orier
- tal; Pumle Heart to Sgt. James L.Perry, Chapel Hill. Ap. W 45:5 X.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Bronze Star to S-Sgt. T.L.Chason, Lumber Bridge. Ap.l-45:5 X. 45:5 X.
- Capt. Oscar T.Cox, Broadway, DFC. Atj.I-
- Sgt. Aubrey Davis Pleasants, Kittrell, Bronze Medal. Ap.1-45:8 X.
- Purple Heart to Cpl. Fred C.Smith,Raleig Ap.2-45:3.
- Sgt. R.O.Purnell, Franklinton, another medal. Ap.2-45:8.
- Bronze Star to Sgt. George F.Lundbere- J Jr., Raleigh. ApU45:l2.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Bronze Star to Capt. C.H.Pope, Raleigh. Ap.4-45:12.
- Capt. James M.Tayloe, Aulender, Bronze Star'. Ap.5-45:3.
- Lt.Col. Ellis Williamson, Raleigh, 2nd Oak Leaf cluster; S-Sgt. Hilton C.Bowen, Washington, Air Medal. Ap.5-45:8.
- Walter F.Kelly, Raleigh, Route 2, decora ted. Ap.5-45:14,
- Sgt. Norwood Jackson, Smithfield, Bronze Star. Ap.6-45:6.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Air Medal to S-Sgt. Victor E.Hinton, Princeton. Ap.6-45:9.
- Nations highest award honors Sgt. Ray E. Eubank8, LaGrange. Ap.6-45:13.
- Sgt. Daniel R.Black, Cary, Silver Star. Ap.7-45:3.
- Lt.Col.William J.Sutton, Raleigh, bronze Star. Ap.7-45:8.
- Bronze Star to S-Sgt. Hugh H.Perry, Jr. Louisburg and Cpl. George R.Jarvis, Aurora Ap.8-45:2.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Sgt. Hubert Lee, Smithfield, Bronze Star Ap.8-45:6.
- Pfc. John Morrison Ramsey, Seaboard, Bronze Star. Ap.8-45:8.
- Decorations awarded T/Sgt.James L.Free, New Bern; Bronze Star to Norman F.Sykes, Wilmington, Route 3. Ap.8-45:9.
- Bronze Star to Capt.H.M.Bizzell, Kinston Pru-ole Heart to Pfc.G.R.Skinner, Macclesfield. Ap.8-45:10.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Vorlc1 war, 1041-. Military awards.
- Bronze Star to Pvt.Marion Davis,Clinton. Ap.8-45:9 X.
- Pfc. Preston H.Pittman, Kenly, Route 1, Bronze Star; Maj.J.D.Sitterson, Jr. Southern Pines, Bronze Star; Silver Star to Pfc Daniel Webster Blue, Jackson Springs. Ap. 8-45:12 X. Apw.8-45j.l2
- Bronze Star to Cpl.Troy Hewern, Lowland.
- Air Medal to Lt. John B.Worley, Pink Hill. Ap.10-45:11.
World War, 1939-1945 (World War II). Military awards
- Bronze Star to Capt. A.Carey Faison, Raleigh. Ao.11-45:7.
- Pfc. Hubert Bashford, Raleigh, Purple Heart. Ap.11-45:12.
- Lt. James Atkins, Kenly, Air Medal with cluster; Cpl. Johnnie R.Pennington, Wilson Bronze Star. Ap.12-45:11.
- Silver Star to S-Sgt. Clifton W.Marshall
- Ap.13-45:5.
- Purple Heart to Pfc.Laverne A.Greene, Farmville. Ap.i: 45:6.