N&O Index Card Listings
Displaying 21-30 of 120 results.
American Legion
- District conference of legion Friday in Raleigh. May 23-28:13.
- Three Posts are after legion HQ. May 2S 28:13.
- Raleigh American legion adoots new plan. Je. 15-8:8.
- Tar Heel legion up with leaders. Je. 29-28:3.
- Medal offered by American legion of Hew Bern won by Syrian. Jl.1-28:3
American Legion
- Convention opens tomorrow in Charlotte. Ag.26-28:8.
- Raleigh get next convention. Ag.29-28:1
- Raleigh legion displays its six new cupe Se.1-28:10.
- Raleigh Poet elects new officers. Se. 14-28:8.
- Legion launches contest to help bring out the vote. Se. 16-28:5 M.
American Legion
- Raleigh drum cores to make first bow on Fourth. Jl.l-28:8 U.
- City suddenly discovers it has real reum corps. Jl.8-28:4 0.
- Plans laic for legion meeting at Charlotte. Jl.13-28:3.
- Legion assembly will not be dull. Ag. 19-28:4 0.
- want full time adjutant. Ag.22-28:12.
American Legion
- Legion officers leave for Texas. Oct.l-28:1.
- Gen. Cox praises K'Nutt. 0.16-28:7.
- Lawson Knott winner in Legion oratorical contest. 0.23-28:2; 0.51-28:17.
- Install Cherry head of Legion. 0.23-28: 8.
- A.M.Frew wins oratorical prize. N.S-28:1.
American Legion
- Fort Bragg installs officers. N.8-28:7.
- Governor urges observance of legion week. N.11-28:4 0.
- Duplin legionnaires nave good meetir. N.25-28:4 0.
- In meeting at Greensboro endoree Albert Cox as next national commander. Mar.2-29:
- ?.
- Children visit Legion show at Wilson.
- Mar.6-29:2. r
American Legion
- J.W. Bailey speaks at Memorial services. May 27-39:5.
- State legion and Auxiliary convention plan announced. Je.13-29:1 M.
- New ell favored "by Ralei2h post. Ag.9-29:1.
- City welcomes hosts of legion for convention. Ag.25-29:1. - Ag.28-29:1.
- Cox forces confident he will be next commander of the National convention. Se. 8-29:1.
American Legion
- H.A. Oarleton donates tract of land to Raleigh Foet. ST.15-39:2
- Greorge K Freeman eoeaks in Raleigh. N. 38-29:14 D.14-29:5.
- Col. Freeman names speakers in. Legion drive. Jan.14-30:5.
- Raleigh poet i? cited for merit. Jen. 34-30:2.
- Freeman opens round up week. Jan.29-?0
- 2.
American Legion
- Good r eports in Legion effort. Jan.30-
- 30:5.
- J.K. Barrow wins American legionorator
- contest in tWakeicounty. F.1.30:2.
- taking extensive gain. F.3-30:2.
- Bodenh amer save Legion will inei st uron
- care for the dieahl ed. 1 F. 11-30:1. 5.
- State fourth in legion numbers. F.l 3-30:
- 'Jood oratory in legion contests in
- Raleigh, F.23-30;1.
American Legion
- State is second in legion effort. F.2S-30:7.
- Announce prizes for state legion. Je. 11-30:5.
- "egion laws are changed by oost. Jl.ll-30:8.
- Raleigh's legion vote to be cast for Myrick. Ag.8-30:2.
- Silver and Terry withdraw in favor of Marion Wyatt for commander of Raleigh Pos1 Ag.10-30:1.
American Legion
- 1.T.Valentine wants changes in rules of legion. Ag.10-30:1 M.
- Legion post no.l largest in state. Ag.
- 12-30:1.
- Elect Marion Wyatt commander of Raleigh
- foet. Ag.15-30:?.
- Ask right of negro posts to vote for state officers. Ag.28-30:1.
- State meeting opens today in Winston. Ag.24-30:1.